# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-servers/mini_httpd/mini_httpd-1.19.ebuild,v 1.10 2008/12/21 21:58:57 caleb Exp $

inherit toolchain-funcs

DESCRIPTION="Small forking webserver with optional ssl and ipv6 support"

KEYWORDS="amd64 ~ia64 ppc s390 sparc x86"
IUSE="ssl ipv6"

DEPEND="ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )"

src_compile() {
	## we need to hack a bit to have the correct install-dir -- no autoconf :(
	mv Makefile Makefile.org
	cat Makefile.org | sed -e "s@/usr/local/sbin@${D}/usr/sbin@; \
		s@/usr/local/man@${D}/usr/share/man@; \
		s@-mkdir -p \${BINDIR}@& \${MANDIR}/man8 \${MANDIR}/man1@" > \
		Makefile || die "error rewriting Makefile"
	rm -f Makefile.org

	## for ssl-support we need another Makefile-patch:
	if use ssl; then
		mv Makefile Makefile.org
		cat Makefile.org | sed -e "s@^#\(SSL_TREE.*=\)\(.*$\)@\1 /usr@; \
			s@^#\(SSL_DEFS.*$\)@\1@; \
			s@^#\(SSL_INC.*$\)@\1@; \
			s@^#\(SSL_LIBS.*$\)@\1@" > \
			Makefile || die "error rewriting Makefile"
		rm -f Makefile.org

	## ipv6-support: normally this is auto-detected at compile time ... so we
	## need to force a bit ;)
	if ! use ipv6; then
		sed -i 's@#define USE_IPV6@#undef USE_IPV6@' mini_httpd.c
	emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" || die

src_install() {
	make install || die
	mv ${D}/usr/sbin/{,mini_}htpasswd
	mv ${D}/usr/share/man/man1/{,mini_}htpasswd.1

	newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/mini_httpd.init mini_httpd
	newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/mini_httpd.confd-${PV} mini_httpd
	dodoc README
	newdoc ${FILESDIR}/mini_httpd.conf.sample-${PV} mini_httpd.conf.sample

pkg_postinst() {
	ewarn "Adjust MINI_HTTPD_DOCROOT in /etc/conf.d/mini_httpd !"