Write a live git ebuild Add a profiles management page/backend utility Add cleanup functions to the frontend and backend (tasks dir in backend containing scripts that can be launched through frontend) *** Move bundler selection out of gentoo module *** Only offer bundlers that will work - profiles without CD in map file can't make livecd, installcd, etc. Allow config viewing for builds, not just configurations Add `flags` column to configurations, builds, use it to implement public and private things Add 'cancel', option to builds, allow deletion of currently running builds (have backend check if canceled before and after each task) Add build->configuration and configuration duplication Add map file for liveCD, load it into DB, etc. Add gentoo_profileopts column for liveCD, stage3, etc. Write script for fetching latest stage3's from the desired FTP dirs Add ability to trim the stage3 to a minimum set of packages automatically (cached) Add option to add arbitrary runscripts Add option to upload a kernel Add option to upload an arbitrary tar.gz/bz2 to be unzipped over the finished image *** Implement selected items from gentoo-steps *** *** Documentation *** Ponder whether to remove the split-setup option and always upload to the frontend Improve the upload step so it tries more than once Offer FTP upload Offer SCP upload? Use zmedico's deafult USE flags script in backend/modules/gentoo_portage to trim the USE we put in the make.conf generated