date: | Limit the selection of packages to the date given, or to the range of dates if this argument is given twice. The \fB--date\fR option can take a few forms. .RS .IP "NUMBER [s] [ago]" Relative time, specifying \fINUMBER\fR \fIdays\fR, \fIweeks\fR, \fImonths\fR or \fIyears\fR, for example \fI3 days ago\fR. .IP today Alias for \fI0 days ago\fR. .IP yesterday Alias for \fI1 day ago\fR. .IP YYYY-MM-DD Big-endian date, with components separated by hyphens, starting with year, followed by month and day of month. .IP YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss As before, but hours, minutes and seconds added. This is the same format qlop prints for timestamps. .IP "SSSSSSSSS or @SSSSSSSSS" Seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC), the UNIX epoch. .IP FORMAT|DATE Use \fIFORMAT\fR as input for \fBstrptime\fR(3) to parse \fIDATE\fR. .RE lastmerge: | Limit selection to last Portage emerge action. This option is a dynamic version of \fB-d\fR, and hence both cannot be used together. time: | Show the time it took to merge, unmerge or sync. average: | Calculate average merge, unmerge or sync time. This is the average time for all occurrences found respecting any date limits. summary: | Show a grand total for averages. This option implies \fB-a\fR. Useful to compute time it takes to recompile all packages or a set of packages (e.g\. world). human: | Print elapssed time in human readable format. This form uses minutes, hours and days instead of just seconds. current: | Show current emerging packages. This relies on .I FEATURES=sandbox in order to detect running merges. verbose: | Print package versions and revisions (PF) instead of package (PN). quiet: Omit printing of timestamps and operation symbols, can be used to generate a flat list of atoms, e.g.\ \fB-qml\fR to print the package names merged in the last emerge operation. running: | Print operations currently in progress. An ETA is calculated based on the average for the operation. If the elapsed exceeds the average, the ETA is calculated against the longest time observed for the operation. The \fB-v\fR flag will display which mode is currently used. If the elapsed time also exceeds the longest time observed, or no previous occurrences for the operation exist, \fIunknown\fR is printed. When combined with \fB-t\fR the elapsed time is also displayed. emerge: | Immitate \fBemerge\fR(1) output, as if \fBemerge -pv\fR had been run. This produces a list of packages that were installed (N), upgraded (U), downgraded (UD), re-installed (R) or unmerged (D). The list always includes the version numbers, and for up/downgrades the previous version is listed between square brackets after the package. When \fB-v\fR is used, the \fBemerge\fR invocations are printed as well, to really show what happened. When concurrent merges are present in the displayed timeframe, the output will be hard to read. This is a limitation of the \fIemerge.log\fR format. It is possible to combine this flag with the \fB-d\fR flag, in which case the default behaviour of displaying the last merge (\fB-l\fR) is disabled.