Feature: gentoo-dev-announce As a recruiting lead I want recruits to send actual emails instead of writing So that they learn in practice Scenario: Testing gentoo-dev-announce-posting Given recruit that should answer gentoo-dev-announce posting question And I am logged in as "recruit" When I send wrong email announcement And I am on show "gentoo-dev-announce posting" question page Then I should see "Your answer should have subject (without quotes)" Then I should see subject for email "recruit" should send to answer "gentoo-dev-announce posting" When I follow "View you answer" Then I should see "Email you sent didn't match requirements" When I send proper email announcement And I am on show "gentoo-dev-announce posting" question page Then I should see "Remember to replace @gentoo.org with localhost" When I follow "View you answer" Then I should see "You sent proper email" Scenario: Don't see answer it link on email question page Given recruit that should answer gentoo-dev-announce posting question And I am logged in as "recruit" And I am on show "gentoo-dev-announce posting" question page Then I should not see "Answer it" Scenario: Protect from forged responses Given recruit that should answer gentoo-dev-announce posting question And someone sends forged answer And I am logged in as "recruit" And I am on show "gentoo-dev-announce posting" question page Then I should not see "View you answer" Scenario: Don't show answering subject to guest Given recruit that should answer gentoo-dev-announce posting question When I am on show "gentoo-dev-announce posting" question page Then I should not see "Your answer should have subject (without quotes)" Scenario: Create and edit email question Given I am logged in as administrator When I follow "New Question" And I fill in "some question" for "question[title]" And I press "Create Question" Then I should see "The question was created successfully" within ".flash.notice" When I follow "Add email content" And I fill in "some question" for "question_content_email[description]" And I fill in "To : me" for "question_content_email[req_text]" And press "Create Question Content Email" Then I should see "The question content email was created successfully" within ".flash.notice" When I am on show "some question" question page And I follow "content" And I fill in "Some question." for "question_content_email[description]" And press "Save" Then I should see "Changes to the question content email were saved" within ".flash.notice"