#!/usr/bin/python -O # # /usr/sbin/webapp-config # Python script for managing the deployment of web-based # applications # # Originally written for the Gentoo Linux distribution # # Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Authors # Released under v2 of the GNU GPL # # Author(s) Stuart Herbert # Renat Lumpau # Gunnar Wrobel # # ======================================================================== ''' Handles the information stored within the virtual install location about the type of package installed. ''' # ======================================================================== # Dependencies # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ import pwd, shlex, os.path from time import strftime from WebappConfig.debug import OUT from WebappConfig.permissions import PermissionMap # ======================================================================== # Handler for dotConfig files # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class DotConfig: ''' This class handles the dotconfig file that will be written to all virtual install locations. ''' def __init__(self, installdir, dot_config = '.webapp', permission = PermissionMap('0600'), pretend = False): self.__instdir = installdir self.__file = dot_config self.__perm = permission self.__p = pretend self.__data = {} self.__tokens = ['WEB_CATEGORY', 'WEB_PN', 'WEB_PVR', 'WEB_INSTALLEDBY', 'WEB_INSTALLEDDATE', 'WEB_INSTALLEDFOR', 'WEB_HOSTNAME', 'WEB_INSTALLDIR'] def __getitem__(self, key): if key in list(self.__data.keys()): return self.__data[key] # this key didn't exist in old versions, but new versions # expect it. fix bug 355295 elif key == 'WEB_CATEGORY': return '' def __dot_config(self): ''' Returns the full path to the dot config file.''' return self.__instdir + '/' + self.__file def has_dotconfig(self): ''' Return True if the install location already has a dotconfig file.''' dotconfig = self.__dot_config() OUT.debug('Verifying path', 7) if not os.path.isfile(dotconfig): return False if not os.access(dotconfig, os.R_OK): return False return True def is_empty(self): ''' Checks if there are more files '.webapp-*' in the directory. Returns empty if there are none. ''' if not os.path.isdir(self.__instdir): return '!dir ' + self.__instdir # get a directory listing entries = os.listdir(self.__instdir) for i in entries: if i[:len(self.__file)] == self.__file and i != self.__file: return '!morecontents ' + i def show_installed(self): ''' Show which application has been installed in the install location.''' if not self.has_dotconfig(): OUT.die('No ' + self.__file + ' file in ' + self.__instdir + '; unable to continue') self.read() if 'WEB_CATEGORY' in self.__data: OUT.notice(self.__data['WEB_CATEGORY'] + ' ' + self.__data['WEB_PN'] + ' ' + self.__data['WEB_PVR']) else: OUT.notice( self.__data['WEB_PN'] + ' ' + self.__data['WEB_PVR']) def packagename(self): ''' Retrieve the package name from the values specified in the dot config file''' OUT.debug('Trying to retrieve package name', 6) if 'WEB_PN' in list(self.__data.keys()) and 'WEB_PVR' in list(self.__data.keys()): if 'WEB_CATEGORY' in list(self.__data.keys()): return self.__data['WEB_CATEGORY'] + '/' + \ self.__data['WEB_PN'] + '-' + self.__data['WEB_PVR'] else: return self.__data['WEB_PN'] + '-' + self.__data['WEB_PVR'] return '' def read(self): ''' Read the contents of the dot config file.''' dotconfig = self.__dot_config() OUT.debug('Checking for dotconfig ', 6) if not self.has_dotconfig(): raise Exception('Cannot read file ' + dotconfig) tokens = shlex.shlex(open(dotconfig)) while True: a = tokens.get_token() b = tokens.get_token() c = tokens.get_token() OUT.debug('Reading token', 8) if (a in self.__tokens and b == '=' and c): if c[0] == '"': c = c[1:] if c[-1] == '"': c = c[:-1] self.__data[a] = c else: break def write(self, category, package, version, host, original_installdir, user_group): ''' Output the .webapp file, that tells us in future what has been installed into this directory. ''' self.__data['WEB_CATEGORY'] = category self.__data['WEB_PN'] = package self.__data['WEB_PVR'] = version self.__data['WEB_INSTALLEDBY'] = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] self.__data['WEB_INSTALLEDDATE'] = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.__data['WEB_INSTALLEDFOR'] = user_group self.__data['WEB_HOSTNAME'] = host self.__data['WEB_INSTALLDIR'] = original_installdir info = ['# ' + self.__file, '# config file for this copy of ' + package + '-' + version, '#', '# automatically created by Gentoo\'s webapp-config', '# do NOT edit this file by hand', '',] for i in self.__tokens: info.append(i + '="' + self.__data[i] + '"') if not self.__p: try: fd = os.open(self.__dot_config(), os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, self.__perm(0o600)) os.write(fd, ('\n'.join(info)).encode('utf-8')) os.close(fd) except Exception as e: OUT.die('Unable to write to ' + self.__dot_config() + '\nError was: ' + str(e)) else: OUT.info('Would have written the following information into ' + self.__dot_config() + ':\n' + '\n'.join(info)) def kill(self): ''' Remove the dot config file.''' empty = self.is_empty() OUT.debug('Trying to removing .webapp file', 7) if not empty: if not self.__p: try: os.unlink(self.__dot_config()) except: OUT.warn('Failed to remove ' + self.__dot_config() + '!') return False else: OUT.info('Would have removed ' + self.__dot_config()) return True else: OUT.notice('--- ' + empty) return False