diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mail-filter')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mail-filter/spamassassin/spamassassin-3.4.1-r4.ebuild b/mail-filter/spamassassin/spamassassin-3.4.1-r4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c69464545cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-filter/spamassassin/spamassassin-3.4.1-r4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit toolchain-funcs systemd
+DESCRIPTION="An extensible mail filter which can identify and tag spam"
+LICENSE="Apache-2.0 GPL-2"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-macos"
+IUSE="+bayes berkdb ipv6 ldap libressl mysql postgres qmail sqlite ssl test"
+# You can do without a database unless you need the Bayes features.
+REQUIRED_USE="bayes? ( || ( berkdb mysql postgres sqlite ) )"
+ virtual/perl-MIME-Base64
+ >=virtual/perl-Pod-Parser-1.510.0-r2
+ virtual/perl-Storable
+ virtual/perl-Time-HiRes
+ >=dev-perl/HTML-Parser-3.43
+ >=dev-perl/Mail-DKIM-0.37
+ >=dev-perl/Net-DNS-0.53
+ dev-perl/Digest-SHA1
+ dev-perl/libwww-perl
+ >=virtual/perl-Archive-Tar-1.23
+ app-crypt/gnupg
+ >=virtual/perl-IO-Zlib-1.04
+ >=dev-util/re2c-0.12.0
+ dev-perl/Mail-SPF
+ >=dev-perl/NetAddr-IP-4.0.1
+ dev-perl/Geo-IP
+ dev-perl/Encode-Detect
+ dev-perl/Net-Patricia
+ ssl? (
+ dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL
+ !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0 )
+ libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl )
+ )
+ berkdb? (
+ virtual/perl-DB_File
+ )
+ ldap? ( dev-perl/perl-ldap )
+ mysql? (
+ dev-perl/DBI
+ dev-perl/DBD-mysql
+ )
+ postgres? (
+ dev-perl/DBI
+ dev-perl/DBD-Pg
+ )
+ sqlite? (
+ dev-perl/DBI
+ dev-perl/DBD-SQLite
+ )
+ ipv6? (
+ || ( dev-perl/IO-Socket-INET6
+ virtual/perl-IO-Socket-IP )
+ )"
+# Some spamd tests fail, and it looks like the whole suite eventually
+# hangs.
+ "${FILESDIR}/spamassassin-3.4.1-bug_7223.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/spamassassin-3.4.1-bug_7231.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/spamassassin-3.4.1-bug_7265.patch"
+src_configure() {
+ # spamc can be built with ssl support.
+ local use_ssl="no"
+ if use ssl; then
+ use_ssl="yes"
+ fi
+ # Set SYSCONFDIR explicitly so we can't get bitten by bug 48205 again
+ # (just to be sure, nobody knows how it could happen in the first place).
+ #
+ # We also set the path to the perl executable explictly. This will be
+ # used to create the initial shebang line in the scripts (bug 62276).
+ perl Makefile.PL \
+ PREFIX="${EPREFIX}/usr" \
+ INSTALLDIRS=vendor \
+ DATADIR="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/spamassassin" \
+ PERL_BIN="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/perl" \
+ ENABLE_SSL="${use_ssl}" \
+ DESTDIR="${D}" \
+ || die "Unable to build!"
+ # Now configure spamc.
+ emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" spamc/Makefile
+src_compile() {
+ if use qmail; then
+ emake spamc/qmail-spamc
+ fi
+src_install () {
+ emake install
+ einstalldocs
+ # Create the stub dir used by sa-update and friends
+ keepdir /var/lib/spamassassin
+ # Move spamd to sbin where it belongs.
+ dodir /usr/sbin
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/bin/spamd "${ED}"/usr/sbin/spamd || die "move spamd failed"
+ if use qmail; then
+ dobin spamc/qmail-spamc
+ fi
+ ln -s mail/spamassassin "${ED}"/etc/spamassassin || die
+ # Disable plugin by default
+ sed -i -e 's/^loadplugin/\#loadplugin/g' \
+ "${ED}"/etc/mail/spamassassin/init.pre \
+ || die "failed to disable plugins by default"
+ # Add the init and config scripts.
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/3.3.1-spamd.init spamd
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/3.0.0-spamd.conf spamd
+ systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.service-r1 ${PN}.service
+ systemd_install_serviced "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.service.conf
+ if use postgres; then
+ sed -i -e 's:@USEPOSTGRES@::' "${ED}/etc/init.d/spamd" || die
+ dodoc sql/*_pg.sql
+ else
+ sed -i -e '/@USEPOSTGRES@/d' "${ED}/etc/init.d/spamd" || die
+ fi
+ if use mysql; then
+ sed -i -e 's:@USEMYSQL@::' "${ED}/etc/init.d/spamd" || die
+ dodoc sql/*_mysql.sql
+ else
+ sed -i -e '/@USEMYSQL@/d' "${ED}/etc/init.d/spamd" || die
+ fi
+ sql/README.bayes sql/README.awl procmailrc.example sample-nonspam.txt \
+ sample-spam.txt spamd/PROTOCOL spamd/README.vpopmail \
+ spamd-apache2/README.apache
+ # Rename some docu files so they don't clash with others
+ newdoc spamd/README README.spamd
+ newdoc sql/README README.sql
+ newdoc ldap/README README.ldap
+ if use qmail; then
+ dodoc spamc/README.qmail
+ fi
+ insinto /etc/mail/spamassassin/
+ insopts -m0400
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/
+ # Create the directory where sa-update stores its GPG key (if you
+ # choose to import one). If this directory does not exist, the
+ # import will fail. This is bug 396307. We expect that the import
+ # will be performed as root, and making the directory accessible
+ # only to root prevents a warning on the command-line.
+ diropts -m0700
+ dodir /etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-update-keys
+pkg_postinst() {
+ elog
+ elog "No rules are install by default. You will need to run sa-update"
+ elog "at least once, and most likely configure SpamAssassin before it"
+ elog "will work. You should also consider a cron job for sa-update."
+ elog
+ elog "Configuration and update help can be found on the wiki:"
+ elog
+ elog ""
+ elog