diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-misc/stargazer/stargazer-2.408.ebuild')
1 files changed, 559 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/stargazer/stargazer-2.408.ebuild b/net-misc/stargazer/stargazer-2.408.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a0d2ba8b5788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/stargazer/stargazer-2.408.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils linux-info multilib user
+DESCRIPTION="Billing system for small home and office networks"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+REQUIRED_USE="stargazer? ( ^^ ( module_store_files module_store_firebird module_store_mysql module_store_postgres ) )"
+RDEPEND="module_config_rpcconfig? ( dev-libs/xmlrpc-c[abyss] sys-libs/zlib )
+ module_config_sgconfig? ( dev-libs/expat )
+ module_store_firebird? ( >=dev-db/firebird- )
+ module_store_mysql? ( virtual/mysql )
+ module_store_postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql dev-libs/openssl sys-libs/zlib )
+ sgconf? ( dev-libs/expat )
+ sgconf_xml? ( dev-libs/expat )"
+ doc? ( dev-libs/libxslt )"
+PROJECTS="sgconv rlm_stg rscriptd sgauth sgconf sgconf_xml stargazer"
+STG_MODULES_AUTH="always_online internet_access freeradius"
+STG_MODULES_CAPTURE="ipq ether netflow"
+STG_MODULES_CONFIG="sgconfig rpcconfig"
+STG_MODULES_OTHER="ping smux remote_script"
+STG_MODULES_STORE="files firebird mysql postgres"
+declare -A MODULES
+MODULES=( [module_auth_always_online]="authorization\/ao:mod_ao"
+ [module_auth_internet_access]="authorization\/inetaccess:mod_ia"
+ [module_auth_freeradius]="other\/radius:mod_radius"
+ [module_capture_ipq]="capture\/ipq_linux:mod_cap_ipq"
+ [module_capture_ether]="capture\/ether_linux:mod_cap_ether"
+ [module_capture_netflow]="capture\/cap_nf:mod_cap_nf"
+ [module_config_sgconfig]="configuration\/sgconfig:mod_sg"
+ [module_config_rpcconfig]="configuration\/rpcconfig:mod_rpc"
+ [module_other_ping]="other\/ping:mod_ping"
+ [module_other_smux]="other\/smux:mod_smux"
+ [module_other_remote_script]="other\/rscript:mod_remote_script"
+ [module_store_files]="store\/files:store_files"
+ [module_store_firebird]="store\/firebird:store_firebird"
+ [module_store_mysql]="store\/mysql:store_mysql"
+ [module_store_postgres]="store\/postgresql:store_postgresql"
+IUSE="sgconv radius rscriptd sgauth sgconf sgconf_xml stargazer debug doc examples static-libs"
+for module in ${STG_MODULES_AUTH} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} module_auth_${module}" ; done
+for module in ${STG_MODULES_CAPTURE} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} module_capture_${module}" ; done
+for module in ${STG_MODULES_CONFIG} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} module_config_${module}" ; done
+for module in ${STG_MODULES_OTHER} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} module_other_${module}" ; done
+for module in ${STG_MODULES_STORE} ; do IUSE="${IUSE} module_store_${module}" ; done
+src_prepare() {
+ # Patches already in upstream's trunk
+ # Rename convertor to sgconv to avoid possible file name collisions
+ mv "${S}"/projects/convertor/ "${S}"/projects/sgconv/ || die "Couldn't move convertor folder"
+ mv "${S}"/projects/sgconv/convertor.conf "${S}"/projects/sgconv/sgconv.conf || die "Couldn't move convertor config"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-sgconv-upstream.patch
+ # Fix dependency on fbclient for module_store_firebird
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-makefile-firebird-upstream.patch
+ # Debug support. Install radius lib to /usr/lib/freeradius
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-makefile-build-upstream.patch
+ # Don't compile sgconv always with debug. Remove MAKEOPTS=-j1
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-build-upstream.patch
+ # Rewrite config for rscriptd
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-rscriptd.conf-upstream.patch
+ # Rewrite config for sgauth
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-sgauth.conf-upstream.patch
+ # Standardization of 'On-scripts'
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-on-upstream.patch
+ # FreeBSD install directory
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-radius-upstream.patch
+ # Install demo scripts for rscriptd
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-rscriptd-upstream.patch
+ # Fix crush on stop
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-fix-crash-on-stop.patch
+ for project in ${PROJECTS} ; do
+ # Rename build script to configure for further econf launch in every projects
+ mv "${S}"/projects/${project}/build "${S}"/projects/${project}/configure || die "Couldn't move build folder for ${project}"
+ # Change check for debug build
+ sed -i 's/if \[ "$1" = "debug" \]/if \[ "${10}" = "--enable-debug" \]/' "${S}"/projects/${project}/configure || die "sed for debug check failed"
+ done
+ # Correct working directory, user and group for sgconv.conf, store_files.conf
+ # Correct paths for rscriptd.conf, store_firebird.conf, mod_remote_scriptd.conf, stargazer.conf, rpcconfig.cpp, 00-base-00.sql
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-correct-paths.patch
+ # Correct target install-data for stargazer, rscriptd, sgauth, remove debug symbols stripping
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-makefile.patch
+ # Remove make from script (for keeping symbols), always add variable to Makefile.conf for all projects
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-build.patch
+ # Remove static-libs if not needed
+ use static-libs || epatch "${FILESDIR}"/patches/stg-2.408-static-libs.patch
+ # Define which module to compile
+ for module in ${!MODULES[@]} ; do
+ if ! use $module ; then
+ sed -i "s/${MODULES[$module]%:*}//" "${S}"/projects/stargazer/configure || die "sed for module configure failed"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Correct Gentoo init script provided by upstream (TODO: Remove in further releases, already fixed in upstream's trunk)
+ if use stargazer ; then
+ sed -i 's/opts/extra_commands/' "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/linux/etc/init.d/stargazer.gentoo || die "sed for stargazer failed"
+ fi
+ # Correct Gentoo init script dependencies
+ if use module_store_files ; then
+ sed -i '11d' "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/linux/etc/init.d/stargazer.gentoo || die "sed for module_store_files failed"
+ fi
+ if use module_store_firebird ; then
+ sed -i '11d;s/need net/need net firebird/' "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/linux/etc/init.d/stargazer.gentoo || die "sed for module_store_firebird failed"
+ fi
+ if use module_store_mysql ; then
+ sed -i '11d;s/need net/need net mysql/' "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/linux/etc/init.d/stargazer.gentoo || die "sed for module_store_mysql failed"
+ fi
+ if use module_store_postgres ; then
+ sed -i '11d;s/need net/need net postgresql/' "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/linux/etc/init.d/stargazer.gentoo || die "sed for module_store_postgres failed"
+ fi
+ # Check for IPQ subsystem availability
+ ( use module_capture_ipq && kernel_is ge 3 5 ) && die "IPQ subsystem is gone since Linux kernel 3.5. You can't compile module_capture_ipq with your current kernel."
+ epatch_user
+src_configure() {
+ # Define local variables, strip '+' symbol for used by default USE flags
+ local USEFLAGS=(${IUSE//+})
+ for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#PROJECTS[@]} ; i++ )) ; do
+ if use ${USEFLAGS[$i]} ; then
+ cd "${S}"/projects/${PROJECTS[$i]} || die "cd to ${PROJECTS[$i]} failed"
+ econf $(use_enable debug)
+ fi
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ # Define local variables, strip '+' symbol for used by default USE flags
+ local USEFLAGS=(${IUSE//+})
+ # Set jobs to 1 for debug build
+ use debug && MAKEOPTS="-j1"
+ # Build necessary libraries first
+ touch "${S}"/Makefile.conf
+ cd "${S}"/stglibs || die "cd to stglibs failed"
+ emake STG_LIBS="ia.lib srvconf.lib"
+ for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#PROJECTS[@]} ; i++ )) ; do
+ if use ${USEFLAGS[$i]} ; then
+ cd "${S}"/projects/${PROJECTS[$i]} || die "cd to ${PROJECTS[$i]} failed"
+ emake
+ fi
+ done
+ if use doc ; then
+ cd "${S}"/doc/xmlrpc || die "cd to doc/xmlrpc failed"
+ emake
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ dodoc ChangeLog
+ if use rscriptd || use stargazer ; then
+ # Install config file for logrotate
+ insinto /etc/logrotate.d
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/logrotate stargazer
+ # Keeping logs directory
+ diropts -m 755 -o stg -g stg
+ keepdir /var/log/stargazer
+ if use stargazer ; then
+ diropts -m 775 -o stg -g stg
+ keepdir /var/lib/stargazer
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use doc ; then
+ # Install files into docs directory
+ dodoc "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/var/base.dia
+ dodoc "${S}"/doc/proto_client.gif
+ dodoc "${S}"/doc/proto_server.gif
+ # Install html documentation
+ docinto html/xmlrpc
+ dohtml -r "${S}"/doc/xmlrpc/book/
+ fi
+ if use examples ; then
+ # Install files into specified directory
+ insinto /usr/share/stargazer
+ doins -r "${S}"/projects/stargazer/scripts
+ doins "${S}"/doc/xmlrpc.php
+ fi
+ if use sgconv ; then
+ cd "${S}"/projects/sgconv || die "cd to sgconv project failed"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" PREFIX="${D}" install
+ # Install files into specified directory
+ insinto /etc/stargazer
+ doins "${S}"/projects/sgconv/sgconv.conf
+ # Install manual page
+ doman "${FILESDIR}"/mans/sgconv.1
+ fi
+ if use radius ; then
+ cd "${S}"/projects/rlm_stg || die "cd to rlm_stg project failed"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" PREFIX="${D}" install
+ fi
+ if use rscriptd ; then
+ cd "${S}"/projects/rscriptd || die "cd to rscriptd project failed"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" PREFIX="${D}" install
+ # Install Gentoo init script
+ doinitd "${FILESDIR}"/rscriptd
+ # Correct permissions for file
+ fperms 0640 /etc/stargazer/rscriptd.conf
+ # Install manual page
+ doman "${FILESDIR}"/mans/rscriptd.8
+ fi
+ if use sgauth ; then
+ cd "${S}"/projects/sgauth || die "cd to sgauth project failed"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" PREFIX="${D}" install
+ # Correct permissions for file
+ fperms 0640 /etc/stargazer/sgauth.conf
+ # Install manual page
+ doman "${FILESDIR}"/mans/sgauth.8
+ fi
+ if use sgconf ; then
+ cd "${S}"/projects/sgconf || die "cd to sgconf project failed"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" PREFIX="${D}" install
+ # Install manual page
+ doman "${FILESDIR}"/mans/sgconf.1
+ fi
+ if use sgconf_xml ; then
+ cd "${S}"/projects/sgconf_xml || die "cd to sgconf_xml project failed"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" PREFIX="${D}" install
+ # Install manual page
+ doman "${FILESDIR}"/mans/sgconf_xml.1
+ fi
+ if use stargazer ; then
+ cd "${S}"/projects/stargazer || die "cd to stargazer project failed"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" PREFIX="${D}" install
+ # Install docs
+ # Install and rename Gentoo init script
+ newinitd "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/linux/etc/init.d/stargazer.gentoo stargazer
+ # Install manual page
+ doman "${FILESDIR}"/mans/stargazer.8
+ # Install files needed for module_store_files
+ if use module_store_files ; then
+ # Install files into specified directory
+ insinto /var/lib
+ doins -r "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/var/stargazer
+ # Correct user and group for files and directories
+ fowners -R stg:stg /var/lib/stargazer
+ fi
+ if use module_store_firebird ; then
+ # Install files into specified directory
+ insinto /usr/share/stargazer/db/firebird
+ doins \
+ "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/var/00-base-00.sql \
+ "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/var/00-alter-01.sql
+ fi
+ if use module_store_mysql ; then
+ # Install file into specified directory
+ insinto /usr/share/stargazer/db/mysql
+ doins "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/var/00-mysql-01.sql
+ fi
+ if use module_store_postgres ; then
+ # Install files into specified directory
+ insinto /usr/share/stargazer/db/postgresql
+ doins \
+ "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/var/00-base-00.postgresql.sql \
+ "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/var/00-alter-01.postgresql.sql
+ fi
+ if use module_other_smux ; then
+ # Install files into specified directory
+ insinto /usr/share/snmp/mibs
+ doins "${S}"/projects/stargazer/plugins/other/smux/STG-MIB.mib
+ fi
+ if use module_other_remote_script ; then
+ # Create subnets file based on example from mod_remote_script.conf
+ grep 192 "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/linux/etc/stargazer/conf-available.d/mod_remote_script.conf | sed 's/# //' > "${D}"/etc/stargazer/subnets
+ # Correct permissions for file
+ fperms 0640 /etc/stargazer/subnets
+ fi
+ # Correct permissions for files
+ fperms 0640 \
+ /etc/stargazer/rules \
+ /etc/stargazer/stargazer.conf
+ # Install files into specified directory for selected modules
+ insinto /etc/stargazer/conf-available.d
+ insopts -m 0640
+ for module in ${!MODULES[@]} ; do
+ use $module && doins "${S}"/projects/stargazer/inst/linux/etc/stargazer/conf-available.d/${MODULES[$module]#*:}.conf
+ done
+ # Create symlinks of configs for selected modules
+ for module in ${!MODULES[@]} ; do
+ use $module && dosym /etc/stargazer/conf-available.d/${MODULES[$module]#*:}.conf /etc/stargazer/conf-enabled.d/${MODULES[$module]#*:}.conf
+ done
+ fi
+ # Correct user and group for files and directories
+ ( use sgconv || use rscriptd || use sgauth || use stargazer ) && fowners -R stg:stg /etc/stargazer
+ # Put the files in the right folder to support multilib
+ if [ ! -e "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir) ] ; then
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/lib/ "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir) || die "Failed to move library directory for multilib support"
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ # Add user and group to system only when necessary
+ if use sgconv || use rscriptd || use sgauth || use stargazer ; then
+ enewgroup stg
+ # Add stg user to system (no home directory specified, because otherwise it will be result in stg:root ownership on it)
+ enewuser stg -1 -1 -1 stg
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use sgconv ; then
+ einfo "\nSgconv:"
+ einfo "----------"
+ einfo " For further use of sgconv please edit /etc/stargazer/sgconv.conf depending on your needs."
+ fi
+ if use radius ; then
+ einfo "\nRadius:"
+ einfo "-------"
+ einfo " For further use of radius, emerge net-dialup/freeradius.\n"
+ einfo " Example config:\n"
+ einfo " stg {"
+ einfo " local_port = 6667"
+ einfo " server = localhost"
+ einfo " port = 6666"
+ einfo " password = 123456"
+ einfo " }\n"
+ einfo " You should place 'stg' into section Instantiate, Authorize."
+ einfo " In section Authentificate 'stg' should go in sub-section Auth-Type before other authentifications modules:\n"
+ einfo " Auth-Type PAP {"
+ einfo " stg"
+ einfo " pap"
+ einfo " }\n"
+ einfo " It also may be used in section Accounting and Post-Auth."
+ use module_auth_freeradius || einfo "\n For use RADIUS data processing you should also enable USE-flag module_auth_freeradius."
+ fi
+ if use rscriptd ; then
+ einfo "\nRemote Script Executer:"
+ einfo "-----------------------"
+ einfo " For further use of rscriptd please edit /etc/stargazer/rscriptd.conf depending on your needs."
+ einfo " You have to change 'Password' field at least."
+ fi
+ if use sgauth ; then
+ einfo "\nSgauth:"
+ einfo "-------"
+ einfo " For further use of sgauth please edit /etc/stargazer/sgauth.conf depending on your needs."
+ einfo " You have to change 'ServerName', 'Login', 'Password' fields at least."
+ fi
+ if use sgconf ; then
+ einfo "\nSgconf:"
+ einfo "-------"
+ use module_config_sgconfig || einfo " For further use of sgconf utility you should also enable USE-flag module_config_sgconfig."
+ fi
+ if use sgconf_xml ; then
+ einfo "\nSgconf_xml:"
+ einfo "-----------"
+ use module_config_rpcconfig || einfo " For further use of sgconf_xml utility you should also enable USE-flag module_config_rpcconfig."
+ fi
+ if use stargazer ; then
+ einfo "\nStargazer:"
+ einfo "----------"
+ einfo " Modules availability:\n"
+ if use module_auth_always_online ; then
+ einfo " * module_auth_always_online available."
+ fi
+ if use module_auth_internet_access ; then
+ einfo " * module_auth_internet_access available."
+ fi
+ if use module_auth_freeradius ; then
+ einfo " * module_auth_freeradius available.\n"
+ einfo " For further use of module, emerge net-dialup/freeradius.\n"
+ use radius || einfo "\n For use RADIUS data processing you should also enable use USE-flag radius."
+ fi
+ if use module_capture_ipq ; then
+ einfo " * module_capture_ipq available."
+ fi
+ if use module_capture_ether ; then
+ einfo " * module_capture_ether available."
+ fi
+ if use module_capture_netflow ; then
+ einfo " * module_capture_netflow available.\n"
+ einfo " For further use of module, emerge net-firewall/ipt_netflow or net-analyzer/softflowd.\n"
+ fi
+ if use module_config_sgconfig ; then
+ einfo " * module_config_sgconfig available."
+ fi
+ if use module_config_rpcconfig ; then
+ einfo " * module_config_rpcconfig available.\n"
+ einfo " KNOWN BUG: Sometimes you can't configure Stargazer through xml-based configurator,"
+ einfo " because module is not responding."
+ einfo " This bug is introduced by xmlrpc-c library. This bug proceeds very rare, but it still exists.\n"
+ fi
+ if use module_other_ping ; then
+ einfo " * module_other_ping available."
+ fi
+ if use module_other_smux ; then
+ einfo " * module_other_smux available.\n"
+ einfo " For further use of module emerge net-analyzer/net-snmp.\n"
+ fi
+ if use module_other_remote_script ; then
+ einfo " * module_other_remote_script available.\n"
+ einfo " Don't forget to edit /etc/stargazer/subnets file depending on your needs."
+ fi
+ if use module_store_files ; then
+ einfo " * module_store_files available.\n"
+ einfo " Necessary and sufficient rights to the directory /var/lib/stargazer for this backend is 0755."
+ einfo " You may fix it if needed.\n"
+ fi
+ if use module_store_firebird ; then
+ einfo " * module_store_firebird available.\n"
+ einfo " Necessary and sufficient rights to the directory /var/lib/stargazer for this backend is 0775."
+ einfo " Check that it was so, and fix it if needed."
+ einfo " You should add 'firebird' user to stg group:\n"
+ einfo " # usermod -a -G stg firebird\n"
+ einfo " and restart firebird:\n"
+ einfo " # /etc/init.d/firebird restart\n"
+ einfo " Stargazer DB schema for Firebird is here: /usr/share/stargazer/db/firebird"
+ einfo " For new setup you should execute 00-base-00.sql:\n"
+ einfo " # fbsql -q -i /usr/share/stargazer/db/firebird/00-base-00.sql\n"
+ einfo " For upgrade from version 2.406 you should execute 00-alter-01.sql:\n"
+ einfo " # fbsql -q -u <username> -p <password> -d <database> -i /usr/share/stargazer/db/firebird/00-alter-01.sql\n"
+ fi
+ if use module_store_mysql ; then
+ einfo " * module_store_mysql available.\n"
+ einfo " For upgrade from version 2.406 you should execute 00-mysql-01.sql:\n"
+ einfo " # mysql -h <hostname> -P <port> -u <username> -p <password> <database> < /usr/share/stargazer/db/mysql/00-mysql-01.sql\n"
+ fi
+ if use module_store_postgres ; then
+ einfo " * module_store_postgres available.\n"
+ einfo " Stargazer DB schema for PostgresSQL is here: /usr/share/stargazer/db/postgresql"
+ einfo " For new setup you should execute 00-base-00.postgresql.sql:\n"
+ einfo " # psql -h <hostname> -p <port> -U <username> -d <database> -W -f /usr/share/stargazer/db/postgresql/00-base-00.postgresql.sql\n"
+ einfo " For upgrade from version 2.406 you should execute 00-alter-01.sql:\n"
+ einfo " # psql -h <hostname> -p <port> -U <username> -d <database> -W -f /usr/share/stargazer/db/postgresql/00-alter-01.sql\n"
+ fi
+ einfo "\n For all storage backends:\n"
+ einfo " * Default admin login - admin, default admin password - 123456."
+ einfo " * Default subscriber login - test, default subscriber password - 123456.\n"
+ einfo "Don't run newer versions without reading their ChangeLog first,"
+ einfo "it can be found in /usr/share/doc/${PF}"
+ fi
+ if use debug ; then
+ ewarn "\nThis is a debug build. You should avoid to use it in production.\n"
+ fi