diff options
authorJoonas Niilola <>2022-03-22 16:16:41 +0200
committerJoonas Niilola <>2022-03-22 16:16:58 +0200
commitaedf6a8d9cab55d746d852e5463022e28a654456 (patch)
tree74d83749f904b92e4ebb27a0ebf2477873138822 /dev-lang
parentdev-lang/spidermonkey: add 91.7.1 (diff)
dev-lang/spidermonkey: drop 91.7.0
Signed-off-by: Joonas Niilola <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 411 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/spidermonkey/Manifest b/dev-lang/spidermonkey/Manifest
index 856c5cb3c53a..cdab6647d447 100644
--- a/dev-lang/spidermonkey/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/spidermonkey/Manifest
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ DIST firefox-68.0-patches-15.tar.xz 16060 BLAKE2B f9e6cd58ea51bed1af90a9d30fd551
DIST firefox-68.12.0esr.source.tar.xz 313856956 BLAKE2B eeaa4acc9fabf15ec1b313170a30cee8e1fc10a8b08512b915b83b7d6a81c09b365733ed94638bd434864fd7b0cb8cbf1bc2e43441be69e31117e8e6a099234c SHA512 839b02422e4c87bdb12e0995cd35ca8c1996f3fba00bbb46b419e46b67df5ec48a264cb14632db777ce29166ee4fdcb06e2ee3ce847e64328c58c9a2f9129f4c
DIST firefox-78.15.0esr.source.tar.xz 330819568 BLAKE2B dc8785613c2f72c55d484642c89c2545765a9efbd609bc7c2cf57b4a3a06a2ea22e6959e42b5b8af867db782e8b2097a67dec858796b744e47008a8e575e2316 SHA512 ac3de735b246ce4f0e1619cd2664321ffa374240ce6843e785d79a350dc30c967996bbcc5e3b301cb3d822ca981cbea116758fc4122f1738d75ddfd1165b6378
DIST firefox-78esr-patches-19.tar.xz 88424 BLAKE2B fdc7bf8f28b3e799551a70f1cec7a695f52c4712f3b28733648fcd7dac5a599613f4c3d2cfa169266dc62b65619b7f28c0e06d32317adb8ec0056ca79c87e9f6 SHA512 3c81dadc9bf74207c4e361605127ef6141d77700c5c54f1f9cd5ad3be13df9f73c6eec2f51d779558e4bdad1e7395c6aa8943a93415bd1786d461042bc03550a
-DIST firefox-91.7.0esr.source.tar.xz 383133596 BLAKE2B 374da61d89d4b7b24d01e8101926056d6819e7c34c80630694cd2d95193dd6662ccfe3195361e7cd5a4167098e74bb7018d02d5af715fdcf95228bf8f54cb1c2 SHA512 925811989d8a91d826ba356bd46ac54be8153288ec0319c28d2bfbe89191e62e107691159dd7ca247253e2a4952eb59a5b9613e3feea3f5351238d4822e26301
DIST firefox-91.7.1esr.source.tar.xz 380937836 BLAKE2B 15995930be6b377c46e3932b56eb18b45c350c948f11afac4458c0ee3f2aa45e70244718872b101a560a155514dd479f38ed5ee58ff258c4e9f9f7070595f1e4 SHA512 c56aa38e9d706ff1f1838d2639dac82109dcffb54a7ea17326ae306604d78967ac32da13676756999bc1aa0bf50dc4e7072936ceb16e2e834bea48382ae4b48c
DIST firefox-91esr-patches-05j.tar.xz 17116 BLAKE2B 5db6d2d3d5432369d2cfcda1a2b542d70ac18c1af7013d91984054c9658d7e3f989527c3a248de53f2e8dc51a852a46477f9ad75e98db28f50f8609fcafe547c SHA512 42080a8e28014d5f8de7ff45e0128ab71747faad7a92f0f7094686125835c168751794bd0229f77290f075502c271af0171ffae2863325d10cc6e8a853a90d3e
DIST js185-1.0.0.tar.gz 6164605 BLAKE2B 76a37f0ceae05d3475853875bd0ce4be6e525e4114816f8f281ea6fc6b60a71060975a0fa1cb843f57ad1e2f842dfb26b24244fa0fd6c20f6ae2ebbe430f70be SHA512 2af7122a7c7007fd7b6668776fe1222515a810b3e43bbf0f76b8f94e1ef406ffd3fb5ccec393021b00274c05b38a77235bc8d6886994c56762fcaf0aa7cf6718
diff --git a/dev-lang/spidermonkey/spidermonkey-91.7.0.ebuild b/dev-lang/spidermonkey/spidermonkey-91.7.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ba061a89d1b6..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/spidermonkey/spidermonkey-91.7.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Patch version
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..10} )
-inherit autotools check-reqs flag-o-matic llvm multiprocessing prefix python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs
-MY_PV="${PV/_pre*}" # Handle Gentoo pre-releases
-MY_MAJOR=$(ver_cut 1)
-if [[ ${PV} =~ (_(alpha|beta|rc).*)$ ]] ; then
- # Convert the ebuild version to the upstream Mozilla version
- MOZ_PV="${MOZ_PV/_alpha/a}" # Handle alpha for SRC_URI
- MOZ_PV="${MOZ_PV/_beta/b}" # Handle beta for SRC_URI
- MOZ_PV="${MOZ_PV%%_rc*}" # Handle rc for SRC_URI
-if [[ -n ${MOZ_ESR} ]] ; then
- # ESR releases have slightly different version numbers
- MOZ_PV="${MOZ_PV}esr"
-if [[ ${PV} == *_rc* ]] ; then
- MOZ_SRC_BASE_URI="${MOZ_PN}/candidates/${MOZ_PV}-candidates/build${PV##*_rc}"
-SRC_URI="${MOZ_SRC_BASE_URI}/source/${MOZ_P}.source.tar.xz -> ${MOZ_P_DISTFILES}.source.tar.xz
- ${PATCH_URIS[@]}"
-DESCRIPTION="SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C and C++"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~x86"
-IUSE="clang cpu_flags_arm_neon debug +jit lto test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- >=virtual/rust-1.51.0
- virtual/pkgconfig
- test? (
- $(python_gen_any_dep 'dev-python/six[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]')
- )
- || (
- (
- sys-devel/llvm:13
- clang? (
- sys-devel/clang:13
- lto? ( =sys-devel/lld-13* )
- )
- )
- (
- sys-devel/llvm:12
- clang? (
- sys-devel/clang:12
- lto? ( =sys-devel/lld-12* )
- )
- )
- (
- sys-devel/llvm:11
- clang? (
- sys-devel/clang:11
- lto? ( =sys-devel/lld-11* )
- )
- )
- )"
- dev-libs/nspr
- sys-libs/readline:0=
- sys-libs/zlib"
-llvm_check_deps() {
- if ! has_version -b "sys-devel/llvm:${LLVM_SLOT}" ; then
- einfo "sys-devel/llvm:${LLVM_SLOT} is missing! Cannot use LLVM slot ${LLVM_SLOT} ..." >&2
- return 1
- fi
- if use clang ; then
- if ! has_version -b "sys-devel/clang:${LLVM_SLOT}" ; then
- einfo "sys-devel/clang:${LLVM_SLOT} is missing! Cannot use LLVM slot ${LLVM_SLOT} ..." >&2
- return 1
- fi
- if use lto ; then
- if ! has_version -b "=sys-devel/lld-${LLVM_SLOT}*" ; then
- einfo "=sys-devel/lld-${LLVM_SLOT}* is missing! Cannot use LLVM slot ${LLVM_SLOT} ..." >&2
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Using LLVM slot ${LLVM_SLOT} to build" >&2
-python_check_deps() {
- if use test ; then
- has_version "dev-python/six[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"
- fi
-pkg_pretend() {
- if use test ; then
- else
- fi
- check-reqs_pkg_pretend
-pkg_setup() {
- if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]] ; then
- if use test ; then
- else
- fi
- check-reqs_pkg_setup
- llvm_pkg_setup
- if use clang && use lto ; then
- local version_lld=$(ld.lld --version 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print $2 }')
- [[ -n ${version_lld} ]] && version_lld=$(ver_cut 1 "${version_lld}")
- [[ -z ${version_lld} ]] && die "Failed to read ld.lld version!"
- local version_llvm_rust=$(rustc -Vv 2>/dev/null | grep -F -- 'LLVM version:' | awk '{ print $3 }')
- [[ -n ${version_llvm_rust} ]] && version_llvm_rust=$(ver_cut 1 "${version_llvm_rust}")
- [[ -z ${version_llvm_rust} ]] && die "Failed to read used LLVM version from rustc!"
- if ver_test "${version_lld}" -ne "${version_llvm_rust}" ; then
- eerror "Rust is using LLVM version ${version_llvm_rust} but ld.lld version belongs to LLVM version ${version_lld}."
- eerror "You will be unable to link ${CATEGORY}/${PN}. To proceed you have the following options:"
- eerror " - Manually switch rust version using 'eselect rust' to match used LLVM version"
- eerror " - Switch to dev-lang/rust[system-llvm] which will guarantee matching version"
- eerror " - Build ${CATEGORY}/${PN} without USE=lto"
- die "LLVM version used by Rust (${version_llvm_rust}) does not match with ld.lld version (${version_lld})!"
- fi
- fi
- python-any-r1_pkg_setup
- # Build system is using /proc/self/oom_score_adj, bug #604394
- addpredict /proc/self/oom_score_adj
- if ! mountpoint -q /dev/shm ; then
- # If /dev/shm is not available, configure is known to fail with
- # a traceback report referencing /usr/lib/pythonN.N/multiprocessing/
- ewarn "/dev/shm is not mounted -- expect build failures!"
- fi
- # Ensure we use C locale when building, bug #746215
- export LC_ALL=C
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- pushd ../.. &>/dev/null || die
- use lto && rm -v "${WORKDIR}"/firefox-patches/*-LTO-Only-enable-LTO-*.patch
- eapply "${WORKDIR}"/firefox-patches
- eapply "${WORKDIR}"/spidermonkey-patches
- default
- # Make cargo respect MAKEOPTS
- export CARGO_BUILD_JOBS="$(makeopts_jobs)"
- # sed-in toolchain prefix
- sed -i \
- -e "s/objdump/${CHOST}-objdump/" \
- python/mozbuild/mozbuild/configure/ \
- || die "sed failed to set toolchain prefix"
- # use prefix shell in wrapper linker scripts, bug #789660
- hprefixify "${S}"/../../build/cargo-{,host-}linker
- einfo "Removing pre-built binaries ..."
- find third_party -type f \( -name '*.so' -o -name '*.o' \) -print -delete || die
- mkdir "${MOZJS_BUILDDIR}" || die
- popd &>/dev/null || die
- eautoconf
-src_configure() {
- # Show flags set at the beginning
- einfo "Current CFLAGS: ${CFLAGS}"
- einfo "Current CXXFLAGS: ${CXXFLAGS}"
- einfo "Current LDFLAGS: ${LDFLAGS}"
- einfo "Current RUSTFLAGS: ${RUSTFLAGS}"
- local have_switched_compiler=
- if use clang && ! tc-is-clang ; then
- # Force clang
- einfo "Enforcing the use of clang due to USE=clang ..."
- have_switched_compiler=yes
- AR=llvm-ar
- CC=${CHOST}-clang
- CXX=${CHOST}-clang++
- NM=llvm-nm
- RANLIB=llvm-ranlib
- elif ! use clang && ! tc-is-gcc ; then
- # Force gcc
- have_switched_compiler=yes
- einfo "Enforcing the use of gcc due to USE=-clang ..."
- AR=gcc-ar
- CC=${CHOST}-gcc
- CXX=${CHOST}-g++
- NM=gcc-nm
- RANLIB=gcc-ranlib
- fi
- if [[ -n "${have_switched_compiler}" ]] ; then
- # Because we switched active compiler we have to ensure
- # that no unsupported flags are set
- strip-unsupported-flags
- fi
- # Ensure we use correct toolchain
- export HOST_CC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)"
- export HOST_CXX="$(tc-getBUILD_CXX)"
- cd "${MOZJS_BUILDDIR}" || die
- # ../python/mach/mach/mixin/ fails to detect SHELL
- export SHELL="${EPREFIX}/bin/bash"
- local -a myeconfargs=(
- --host="${CBUILD:-${CHOST}}"
- --target="${CHOST}"
- --disable-ctype
- --disable-jemalloc
- --disable-optimize
- --disable-smoosh
- --disable-strip
- --enable-readline
- --enable-release
- --enable-shared-js
- --with-intl-api
- --with-system-icu
- --with-system-nspr
- --with-system-zlib
- --with-toolchain-prefix="${CHOST}-"
- $(use_enable debug)
- $(use_enable jit)
- $(use_enable test tests)
- )
- if ! use x86 && [[ ${CHOST} != armv*h* ]] ; then
- myeconfargs+=( --enable-rust-simd )
- fi
- # Modifications to better support ARM, bug 717344
- if use cpu_flags_arm_neon ; then
- myeconfargs+=( --with-fpu=neon )
- if ! tc-is-clang ; then
- # thumb options aren't supported when using clang, bug 666966
- myeconfargs+=( --with-thumb=yes )
- myeconfargs+=( --with-thumb-interwork=no )
- fi
- fi
- # Tell build system that we want to use LTO
- if use lto ; then
- if use clang ; then
- myeconfargs+=( --enable-linker=lld )
- myeconfargs+=( --enable-lto=cross )
- else
- myeconfargs+=( --enable-linker=bfd )
- myeconfargs+=( --enable-lto )
- fi
- fi
- # LTO flag was handled via configure
- filter-flags '-flto*'
- if tc-is-gcc ; then
- if ver_test $(gcc-fullversion) -ge 10 ; then
- einfo "Forcing -fno-tree-loop-vectorize to workaround GCC bug, see bug 758446 ..."
- append-cxxflags -fno-tree-loop-vectorize
- fi
- fi
- export PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=off
- # Show flags we will use
- einfo "Build CFLAGS: ${CFLAGS}"
- einfo "Build CXXFLAGS: ${CXXFLAGS}"
- einfo "Build LDFLAGS: ${LDFLAGS}"
- einfo "Build RUSTFLAGS: ${RUSTFLAGS}"
- # Forcing system-icu allows us to skip patching bundled ICU for PPC
- # and other minor arches
- econf \
- ${myeconfargs[@]} \
- XARGS="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/xargs"
-src_compile() {
- cd "${MOZJS_BUILDDIR}" || die
- default
-src_test() {
- if "${MOZJS_BUILDDIR}/js/src/js" -e 'print("Hello world!")'; then
- einfo "Smoke-test successful, continuing with full test suite"
- else
- die "Smoke-test failed: did interpreter initialization fail?"
- fi
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/spidermonkey-91-known-test-failures.txt "${T}"/known_failures.list || die
- if use x86 ; then
- echo "non262/Date/timeclip.js" >> "${T}"/known_failures.list
- echo "test262/built-ins/Number/prototype/toPrecision/return-values.js" >> "${T}"/known_failures.list
- echo "test262/language/types/number/S8.5_A2.1.js" >> "${T}"/known_failures.list
- echo "test262/language/types/number/S8.5_A2.2.js" >> "${T}"/known_failures.list
- fi
- if [[ $(tc-endian) == "big" ]] ; then
- echo "non262/extensions/clone-errors.js" >> "${T}"/known_failures.list
- echo "test262/built-ins/Date/UTC/fp-evaluation-order.js" >> "${T}"/known_failures.list
- echo "test262/built-ins/TypedArray/prototype/set/typedarray-arg-set-values-same-buffer-other-type.js" >> "${T}"/known_failures.list
- fi
- ${EPYTHON} \
- "${S}"/tests/ -d -s -t 1800 --wpt=disabled --no-progress \
- --exclude-file="${T}"/known_failures.list \
- "${MOZJS_BUILDDIR}"/js/src/js \
- || die
- if use jit ; then
- ${EPYTHON} \
- "${S}"/tests/ -d -s -t 1800 --wpt=disabled --no-progress \
- --exclude-file="${T}"/known_failures.list \
- "${MOZJS_BUILDDIR}"/js/src/js basic \
- || die
- fi
-src_install() {
- cd "${MOZJS_BUILDDIR}" || die
- default
- # fix soname links
- pushd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir) &>/dev/null || die
- mv lib${MY_PN}-${MY_MAJOR}.so lib${MY_PN}-${MY_MAJOR}.so.0.0.0 || die
- ln -s lib${MY_PN}-${MY_MAJOR}.so.0.0.0 lib${MY_PN}-${MY_MAJOR}.so.0 || die
- ln -s lib${MY_PN}-${MY_MAJOR}.so.0 lib${MY_PN}-${MY_MAJOR}.so || die
- popd &>/dev/null || die
- # remove unneeded files
- rm \
- "${ED}"/usr/bin/js${MY_MAJOR}-config \
- "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/libjs_static.ajs \
- || die
- # fix permissions
- chmod -x \
- "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/*.pc \
- "${ED}"/usr/include/mozjs-${MY_MAJOR}/js-config.h \
- || die