Summary of Gentoo council meeting 2022-07-10 Agenda [1] ========== 1. Roll call 2. Constitute the new council - Decide on time of meetings. The previous council had its meetings on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 19:00 UTC. - Vote for continuing last council's workflow considering sending a call for agenda items (two weeks in advance), sending the agenda (one week in advance) and have the meeting focussed, i.e. have major discussions on the gentoo-project mailing list prior to the meeting - Appoint chairmen for this term's meetings 3. Open bugs with council involvement 4. Open floor 1. Roll call ============ Present: ajak, gyakovlev(chair), mattst88, mgorny, sam, ulm Missing: dilfridge 2. Constitute new council ========================= Council members welcomed new member: ajak It was decided to support established workflow: - Meetings on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 19:00 UTC - Sending a call for agenda items (two weeks in advance) - Sending the agenda (one week in advance) and have the meeting focussed, i.e. - Have major discussions on the gentoo-project ml list prior to the meeting. = 6 yes, 1 missing, passed. Appoint chairmen for this term's meetings (listed in chronological order): - gyakovlev: July (current meeting), August - sam: September, October - mattst88: November, December - ulm: January, February - ajak: March, April - mgorny: May, June 3. Open bugs with council involvement ===================================== "Mirror pkgcore/* repos from github" - continue monitoring "Gentoo projects file hosting" - gentoo specific patch posted on the bug, continue monitoring. "Reimbursement for SSD for Infra 3/14/2022" - already approved, payment sent, un-cc council. 4. Open floor ============= 4.1. updates from robbat2 on new infra machines (discussion itself happened before actual open floor started due to time constraints): the new servers are online; all existing VMs are migrated. the old servers are powered down to save some power in the rack for now. still todo: migrate dipper.g.o from physical harder into new VM hosts then wipe & reinstall the old servers; to bring up more dev/build capacity 4.2. robbat2 also requested council to "increase policy around about what should be done for developers who retire/are-retired, w.r.t: 1. live votes; should they be counted if cast before deadline; 2. overlays converting from developer overlays to user overlays" this kind of request should be presented using usual agenda workflow and was not discussed this time. 4.3. ulm is working on glep 0083 a.k.a. EAPI deprecation timeline GLEP, will post for review on dev ml. 4.4. Council agree that situation with foundation/umbrella needs to be revived, but no conclusive action plan presented this time.