diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-office/kmymoney2/files/kmymoney2-0.7.1-csv-export.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/app-office/kmymoney2/files/kmymoney2-0.7.1-csv-export.patch b/app-office/kmymoney2/files/kmymoney2-0.7.1-csv-export.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b5093bfab88..000000000000
--- a/app-office/kmymoney2/files/kmymoney2-0.7.1-csv-export.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
---- kmymoney2-0.7.1.backup/kmymoney2/reports/querytable.cpp 2005-03-19 16:21:11.000000000 +0100
-+++ kmymoney2-0.7.1/kmymoney2/reports/querytable.cpp 2005-05-28 17:06:09.000000000 +0200
-@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
- #include "reportdebug.h"
- #include "querytable.h"
- namespace reports {
- // this should be in mymoneysplit.h
-@@ -752,6 +753,11 @@
- // MyMoneyMoney::signPosition savesignpos = MyMoneyMoney::negativeMonetarySignPosition();
- unsigned char savethsep = MyMoneyMoney::thousandSeparator();
-+#define CSV_SEPARATOR "\t";
-+ String g_csvSep = CSV_SEPARATOR;
- MyMoneyMoney grandtotal;
- result="";
-@@ -829,7 +835,7 @@
- if ( i18nName.isEmpty() )
- i18nName = *it_column;
- result += "<th>" + i18nName + "</th>";
-- csv += i18nName + ",";
-+ csv += i18nName + g_csvSep;
- ++it_column;
- }
-@@ -899,7 +905,7 @@
- "colspan=\"" + QString::number(columns.count()-1) + "\">"+
- i18n("Total")+" " + (*it_group).oldName() + "</td>"
- "<td>" + subtotal_html + "</td></tr>\n";
-- csv += "\"" + i18n("Total") + " " + (*it_group).oldName() + "\"," + subtotal_csv + "\n";
-+ csv += "\"" + i18n("Total") + " " + (*it_group).oldName() + "\"" + g_csvSep + subtotal_csv + "\n";
- }
- --it_group;
- }
-@@ -936,7 +942,7 @@
- MyMoneyMoney::setThousandSeparator('\0');
-- csv += MyMoneyMoney(data).formatMoney() + ",";
-+ csv += MyMoneyMoney(data).formatMoney() + g_csvSep;
- MyMoneyMoney::setThousandSeparator(savethsep);
- }
-@@ -948,7 +954,7 @@
- MyMoneyMoney::setThousandSeparator('\0');
-- csv += (*it_row)["currency"] + " " + MyMoneyMoney(data).formatMoney() + ",";
-+ csv += (*it_row)["currency"] + " " + MyMoneyMoney(data).formatMoney() + g_csvSep;
- MyMoneyMoney::setThousandSeparator(savethsep);
-@@ -964,7 +970,7 @@
- {
- result += QString("<td class=\"left\">%1</td>")
- .arg(data);
-- csv += "\""+ data + "\",";
-+ csv += "\""+ data + "\"" + g_csvSep;
- }
- ++it_column;
- }
-@@ -1001,7 +1007,7 @@
- "colspan=\"" + QString::number(columns.count()-1) + "\">"+
- i18n("Total")+" " + (*it_group).oldName() + "</td>"
- "<td>" + subtotal_html + "</td></tr>\n";
-- csv += "\"" + i18n("Total") + " " + (*it_group).oldName() + "\"," + subtotal_csv + "\n";
-+ csv += "\"" + i18n("Total") + " " + (*it_group).oldName() + "\"" + g_csvSep + subtotal_csv + "\n";
- --it_group;
- }
-@@ -1019,7 +1025,7 @@
- "colspan=\"" + QString::number(columns.count()-1) + "\">"+
- i18n("Grand Total") + "</td>"
- "<td>" + grandtotal_html + "</td></tr>\n";
-- csv += "\"" + i18n("Grand Total") + "\"," + grandtotal_csv + "\n";
-+ csv += "\"" + i18n("Grand Total") + "\"" + g_csvSep + grandtotal_csv + "\n";
- }
- result += "</table>\n";
- }
---- kmymoney2-0.7.1.backup/kmymoney2/reports/pivottable.cpp 2005-03-19 16:21:11.000000000 +0100
-+++ kmymoney2-0.7.1/kmymoney2/reports/pivottable.cpp 2005-05-28 17:06:08.000000000 +0200
-@@ -739,6 +739,11 @@
- {
-+#define CSV_SEPARATOR "\t";
-+ String g_csvSep = CSV_SEPARATOR;
- char saveseparator = MyMoneyMoney::thousandSeparator();
- MyMoneyMoney::setThousandSeparator('\0');
-@@ -760,10 +765,10 @@
- unsigned column = 1;
- while ( column < m_numColumns )
-- result += QString(",%1").arg(QString(m_columnHeadings[column++]));
-+ result += g_csvSep + QString("%1").arg(QString(m_columnHeadings[column++]));
- if ( m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals() )
-- result += QString(",%1").arg(i18n("Total"));
-+ result += g_csvSep + QString("%1").arg(i18n("Total"));
- result += "\n";
-@@ -804,10 +809,10 @@
- QString rowdata;
- unsigned column = 1;
- while ( column < m_numColumns )
-- rowdata += QString(",%1").arg([column++].formatMoney());
-+ rowdata += g_csvSep + QString("%1").arg([column++].formatMoney());
- if ( m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals() )
-- rowdata += QString(",%1").arg((*it_row).m_total.formatMoney());
-+ rowdata += g_csvSep + QString("%1").arg((*it_row).m_total.formatMoney());
- //
- // Row Header
-@@ -865,10 +870,10 @@
- {
- unsigned column = 1;
- while ( column < m_numColumns )
-- result += QString(",%1").arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[column++].formatMoney());
-+ result += g_csvSep + QString("%1").arg((*it_innergroup).m_total[column++].formatMoney());
- if ( m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals() )
-- result += QString(",%1").arg((*it_innergroup).m_total.m_total.formatMoney());
-+ result += g_csvSep + QString("%1").arg((*it_innergroup).m_total.m_total.formatMoney());
- result += "\n";
- }
-@@ -886,10 +891,10 @@
- result += QString("%1 %2").arg(i18n("Total")).arg(it_outergroup.key());
- unsigned column = 1;
- while ( column < m_numColumns )
-- result += QString(",%1").arg((*it_outergroup).m_total[column++].formatMoney());
-+ result += g_csvSep + QString("%1").arg((*it_outergroup).m_total[column++].formatMoney());
- if ( m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals() )
-- result += QString(",%1").arg((*it_outergroup).m_total.m_total.formatMoney());
-+ result += g_csvSep + QString("%1").arg((*it_outergroup).m_total.m_total.formatMoney());
- result += "\n";
- }
-@@ -905,10 +910,10 @@
- result += i18n("Grand Total");
- unsigned totalcolumn = 1;
- while ( totalcolumn < m_numColumns )
-- result += QString(",%1").arg(m_grid.m_total[totalcolumn++].formatMoney());
-+ result += g_csvSep + QString("%1").arg(m_grid.m_total[totalcolumn++].formatMoney());
- if ( m_config_f.isShowingRowTotals() )
-- result += QString(",%1").arg(m_grid.m_total.m_total.formatMoney());
-+ result += g_csvSep + QString("%1").arg(m_grid.m_total.m_total.formatMoney());
- result += "\n";
- }