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-<h2>Table of contents</h2>
-<li><a href="#GPL">The GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)</a></li>
-<li><a href="#examples">Distribution examples</a></li>
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-This document sets forth the conditions under which Ghostscript may be
-distributed in a commercial context: under a written license from <a
-href="">Artifex Software</a> Inc., the copyright
-holder's exclusive commercial licensing partner, or under certain other
-very limited conditions.</p>
-<p>For other information, see the <a href="Readme.htm">Ghostscript
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-The use of the public-access "free" versions of Ghostscript</p>
-<h2><a name="GPL"></a>The GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)</h2>
-Ghostscript is a copyrighted work whose copyright is owned by
-Artifex Software, Inc.
-Some versions of Ghostscript are distributed freely under the name
-GPL Ghostscript or (for older versions) GNU Ghostscript; these versions
-are distributed with a license called the GNU
-<a href="">Affero General Public License</a>
-(also known as the "AGPL", or "copyleft"), which allows gratis and commercial distribution under certain conditions, most
-particularly, source complete source disclosure.
-Versions of Ghostscript between version 4.03 and 8.54 were also
-distributed under a more restrictive license disallowing commercial
-redistribution entirely. These versions were labelled "AFPL Ghostsript" or
-just "Ghostscript", and were governed by the Aladdin Free Public License.
-The full AGPL is included under the name
-<code>COPYING</code> in the GPL Ghostscript fileset, and
-can also be obtained directly from the Free Software Foundation:</p>
-<blockquote><address><a name="FSF_address"></a>
-Free Software Foundation, Inc. (FSF)<br>
-59 Temple Place, Suite 330<br>
-Boston, MA 02111-1307 U.S.A.<br>
-+1-617-542-5942 telephone<br>
-+1-617-542-2652 fax (including Japan):<br>
-<a href=""></a><br>
-<a href=""></a>
-The AGPL gotten directly from the FSF or the contents of the
-<code>COPYING</code> file are authoritative, but for those
-unfamiliar with the AGPL, we now summarize its provisions.</p>
-<p>1. Anyone may copy and distribute GPL Ghostscript (both source
-and object code), but they must distribute the source code as well as
-the object code (or, if they distribute only the object code, they must
-include an offer in writing to provide the source code at no more than
-reproduction cost), keep all copyright and other notices, and include the
-AGPL with the copies. (Note that this allows anyone receiving such a copy
-to distribute it freely as well.)</p>
-<p>2. Anyone may modify GPL Ghostscript, but the provisions of (1)
-apply to modified or derived works as well.</p>
-Provision (2) effectively prevents the development of proprietary commercial
-products that incorporate GPL Ghostscript without a commercial license
-as a part, since these are "derived works" in the legal sense.</p>
-LICENSE . . .</strong></p>
-<p> If your application, including all of its source code, is
-to the public under the GNU AGPL, you are authorized to ship
-GPL Ghostscript with your application
-under the terms of those license agreements. You do not need a
-commercial license from Artifex. The terms of the GNU AGPL
-include the requirement that your application be licensed as a whole at
-no charge to all third parties. Moreover, the entire application must be
-licensed to the public under the GNU AGPL or AFPL respectively.</p>
-<p> If your application (including its source code) is not licensed
-to the public under the GNU AGPL, you are not authorized to ship
-GPL Ghostscript with your application under the terms of the GNU AGPL
-if any one of the following is true:</p>
-<li> your application contains a copy of some or all of GPL
-<li> your application is derived from, is based on, or constitutes a
-revision of some or all of AGPL or Ghostscript;</li>
-<li> your application includes one or more functions that use some or
-all of AGPL or Ghostscript.</li>
- These criteria apply to your application as a whole. Even if only
-one section of your application satisfies one of these criteria, you are
-not authorized to ship GPL Ghostscript with your application
-unless your application, including all of its source code, is licensed
-to the public under the GNU AGPL.</p>
- If your application (including its source code) is NOT licensed to
-the public under the GNU AGPL and you intend to distribute
-Ghostscript (either internally or externally) for use with and usable by
-your application, you MUST first obtain a commercial license from
-<h2><a name="examples"></a>Examples of Distribution</h2>
- Some examples of distribution requiring a commercial license
- 1. Distributing Ghostscript (or any component thereof) within your
-non-GNU AGPL application.</p>
- 2. Distributing Ghostscript on the same media with your
-non-GNU AGPL application for use with and by your application.</p>
- 3. Distributing Ghostscript embedded within hardware.</p>
-Questions have arisen at times in particular cases regarding provision (3)
-as to whether GPL Ghostscript is "aggregated" with other parts of a
-commercial product, or whether the product has become a "derived work."
-Normally, combining GPL Ghostscript with another piece of software
-a "derived work"; we consider GPL Ghostscript to be "aggregated" with
-another piece of software, which we will refer to as "the application",
-only if all of the following conditions are met:</p>
-<li> The code and documentation for GPL Ghostscript are physically
-separated from the code and documentation for the application. For
-electronic form, it is both necessary and sufficient to put the GNU
-Ghostscript code and documentation in their own directory tree(s).</li>
-<li> GPL Ghostscript, as delivered with the application, is usable
-independently of the application. More precisely, if a user deletes from
-the computer system all files delivered with the application except those
-in the GPL Ghostscript directories, the user will still be able to use
-GPL Ghostscript as described in GPL Ghostscript's documentation. Among
-other things, this requires that GPL Ghostscript not call any routines
-in the application, and not require any data or other files supplied as
-part of the application.</li>
-<li> The application calls GPL Ghostscript in a way that allows an
-ordinary user to substitute another program for GPL Ghostscript.
-(Typically this requires use of a shell script or batch file, or a
-system call like "<code>exec</code>".) More precisely, if the user
-deletes from the computer system all the files in the GPL Ghostscript
-directories, and replaces the GPL Ghostscript executable with another
-program with the same name and conforming to the same documentation, the
-application will continue to work with it. One implication of this is
-that the GPL Ghostscript documentation must specify all properties of
-GPL Ghostscript on which the application relies; for example, if GPL
-Ghostscript has been modified by the addition of command line switches
-or language elements such as new operators, the documentation must
-describe any such additions that the application uses.</li>
-<li> The conditions of the GNU AGPL are met with respect to GPL Ghostscript,
-including the requirement for propagation of the AGPL and the requirement
-for delivering (or an offer to deliver) source code.</li>
-Regarding this last point, the AGPL clearly intends that if the distributor
-only offers to provide the GPL Ghostscript source code (as opposed to
-actually distributing the source code with every copy of the application),
-then they must deliver the source code in a timely way to anyone
-requesting it.</p>
-The AGPL makes it clear that if someone receives GPL Ghostscript only in
-its AGPL-licensed form, they only have a right to distribute it if they
-comply with the AGPL. Artifex Software, Inc., as the copyright holder,
-takes this requirement very seriously, and will, if necessary, take
-legal action to ensure that anyone distributing GPL Ghostscript with the
-AGPL complies with the conditions set forth above.</p>
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-<small>Copyright &copy; 2000-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights
-This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
-implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
-modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
-of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. For more information about licensing, please visit
- contact Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861.</p>
-<small>Ghostscript version 9.55.0, 27 September 2021
-<!-- [3.0 end visible trailer] ============================================= -->
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