diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cvs2svn_lib/svn_commit.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 381 deletions
diff --git a/cvs2svn_lib/svn_commit.py b/cvs2svn_lib/svn_commit.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 25dc38e..0000000
--- a/cvs2svn_lib/svn_commit.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-# (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
-# ====================================================================
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2008 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
-# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
-# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
-# are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
-# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
-# newer version instead, at your option.
-# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
-# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
-# history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/.
-# ====================================================================
-"""This module contains the SVNCommit classes.
-There are five types of SVNCommits:
- SVNInitialProjectCommit -- Initializes a project (creates its trunk,
- branches, and tags directories).
- SVNPrimaryCommit -- Commits one or more CVSRevisions on one or more
- lines of development.
- SVNBranchCommit -- Creates or fills a branch; that is, copies files
- from a source line of development to a target branch.
- SVNTagCommit -- Creates or fills a tag; that is, copies files from a
- source line of development to a target tag.
- SVNPostCommit -- Updates trunk to reflect changes on a non-trunk
- default branch.
-import textwrap
-from cvs2svn_lib.common import InternalError
-from cvs2svn_lib.context import Ctx
-from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import Branch
-from cvs2svn_lib.symbol import Tag
-class SVNCommit:
- """This represents one commit to the Subversion Repository."""
- # textwrap.TextWrapper instance to be used for wrapping log messages:
- text_wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=76)
- def __init__(self, date, revnum):
- """Instantiate an SVNCommit.
- REVNUM is the SVN revision number of this commit."""
- # The date of the commit, as an integer. While the SVNCommit is
- # being built up, this contains the latest date seen so far. This
- # member is set externally.
- self.date = date
- # The SVN revision number of this commit, as an integer.
- self.revnum = revnum
- def __getstate__(self):
- return (self.date, self.revnum,)
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- (self.date, self.revnum,) = state
- def get_cvs_items(self):
- """Return a list containing the CVSItems in this commit."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def get_author(self):
- """Return the author or this commit, or None if none is to be used.
- The return value is exactly as the author appeared in the RCS
- file, with undefined character encoding."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def get_log_msg(self):
- """Return a log message for this commit.
- The return value is exactly as the log message appeared in the RCS
- file, with undefined character encoding."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def get_warning_summary(self):
- """Return a summary of this commit that can be used in warnings."""
- return '(subversion rev %s)' % (self.revnum,)
- def get_description(self):
- """Return a partial description of this SVNCommit, for logging."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def output(self, output_option):
- """Cause this commit to be output to OUTPUT_OPTION.
- This method is used for double-dispatch. Derived classes should
- call the OutputOption.process_*_commit() method appropriate for
- the type of SVNCommit."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def __str__(self):
- """ Print a human-readable description of this SVNCommit.
- This description is not intended to be machine-parseable."""
- ret = "SVNCommit #: " + str(self.revnum) + "\n"
- ret += " debug description: " + self.get_description() + "\n"
- return ret
-class SVNInitialProjectCommit(SVNCommit):
- def __init__(self, date, projects, revnum):
- SVNCommit.__init__(self, date, revnum)
- self.projects = list(projects)
- def __getstate__(self):
- return (
- SVNCommit.__getstate__(self),
- [project.id for project in self.projects],
- )
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- (svn_commit_state, project_ids,) = state
- SVNCommit.__setstate__(self, svn_commit_state)
- self.projects = [
- Ctx()._projects[project_id] for project_id in project_ids
- ]
- def get_cvs_items(self):
- return []
- def get_author(self):
- return Ctx().username
- def get_log_msg(self):
- return self.text_wrapper.fill(
- Ctx().initial_project_commit_message % {}
- )
- def get_description(self):
- return 'Project initialization'
- def output(self, output_option):
- output_option.process_initial_project_commit(self)
-class SVNRevisionCommit(SVNCommit):
- """A SVNCommit that includes actual CVS revisions."""
- def __init__(self, cvs_revs, date, revnum):
- SVNCommit.__init__(self, date, revnum)
- self.cvs_revs = list(cvs_revs)
- # This value is set lazily by _get_metadata():
- self._metadata = None
- def __getstate__(self):
- """Return the part of the state represented by this mixin."""
- return (
- SVNCommit.__getstate__(self),
- [cvs_rev.id for cvs_rev in self.cvs_revs],
- )
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- """Restore the part of the state represented by this mixin."""
- (svn_commit_state, cvs_rev_ids) = state
- SVNCommit.__setstate__(self, svn_commit_state)
- self.cvs_revs = [
- cvs_rev
- for (id, cvs_rev) in Ctx()._cvs_items_db.get_many(cvs_rev_ids)
- ]
- self._metadata = None
- def get_cvs_items(self):
- return self.cvs_revs
- def _get_metadata(self):
- """Return the Metadata instance for this commit."""
- if self._metadata is None:
- # Set self._metadata for this commit from that of the first cvs
- # revision.
- if not self.cvs_revs:
- raise InternalError('SVNPrimaryCommit contains no CVS revisions')
- metadata_id = self.cvs_revs[0].metadata_id
- self._metadata = Ctx()._metadata_db[metadata_id]
- return self._metadata
- def get_author(self):
- return self._get_metadata().author
- def get_warning_summary(self):
- retval = []
- retval.append(SVNCommit.get_warning_summary(self) + ' Related files:')
- for cvs_rev in self.cvs_revs:
- retval.append(' ' + cvs_rev.cvs_file.filename)
- return '\n'.join(retval)
- def __str__(self):
- """Return the revision part of a description of this SVNCommit.
- Derived classes should append the output of this method to the
- output of SVNCommit.__str__()."""
- ret = []
- ret.append(SVNCommit.__str__(self))
- ret.append(' cvs_revs:\n')
- for cvs_rev in self.cvs_revs:
- ret.append(' %x\n' % (cvs_rev.id,))
- return ''.join(ret)
-class SVNPrimaryCommit(SVNRevisionCommit):
- def __init__(self, cvs_revs, date, revnum):
- SVNRevisionCommit.__init__(self, cvs_revs, date, revnum)
- def get_log_msg(self):
- """Return the actual log message for this commit."""
- return self._get_metadata().log_msg
- def get_description(self):
- return 'commit'
- def output(self, output_option):
- output_option.process_primary_commit(self)
-class SVNPostCommit(SVNRevisionCommit):
- def __init__(self, motivating_revnum, cvs_revs, date, revnum):
- SVNRevisionCommit.__init__(self, cvs_revs, date, revnum)
- # The subversion revision number of the *primary* commit where the
- # default branch changes actually happened. (NOTE: Secondary
- # commits that fill branches and tags also have a motivating
- # commit, but we do not record it because it is (currently) not
- # needed for anything.) motivating_revnum is used when generating
- # the log message for the commit that synchronizes the default
- # branch with trunk.
- #
- # It is possible for multiple synchronization commits to refer to
- # the same motivating commit revision number, and it is possible
- # for a single synchronization commit to contain CVSRevisions on
- # multiple different default branches.
- self.motivating_revnum = motivating_revnum
- def __getstate__(self):
- return (
- SVNRevisionCommit.__getstate__(self),
- self.motivating_revnum,
- )
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- (rev_state, self.motivating_revnum,) = state
- SVNRevisionCommit.__setstate__(self, rev_state)
- def get_cvs_items(self):
- # It might seem that we should return
- # SVNRevisionCommit.get_cvs_items(self) here, but this commit
- # doesn't really include those CVSItems, but rather followup
- # commits to those.
- return []
- def get_log_msg(self):
- """Return a manufactured log message for this commit."""
- return self.text_wrapper.fill(
- Ctx().post_commit_message % {'revnum' : self.motivating_revnum}
- )
- def get_description(self):
- return 'post-commit default branch(es)'
- def output(self, output_option):
- output_option.process_post_commit(self)
-class SVNSymbolCommit(SVNCommit):
- def __init__(self, symbol, cvs_symbol_ids, date, revnum):
- SVNCommit.__init__(self, date, revnum)
- # The TypedSymbol that is filled in this SVNCommit.
- self.symbol = symbol
- self.cvs_symbol_ids = cvs_symbol_ids
- def __getstate__(self):
- return (
- SVNCommit.__getstate__(self),
- self.symbol.id, self.cvs_symbol_ids,
- )
- def __setstate__(self, state):
- (svn_commit_state, symbol_id, self.cvs_symbol_ids) = state
- SVNCommit.__setstate__(self, svn_commit_state)
- self.symbol = Ctx()._symbol_db.get_symbol(symbol_id)
- def get_cvs_items(self):
- return [
- cvs_symbol
- for (id, cvs_symbol)
- in Ctx()._cvs_items_db.get_many(self.cvs_symbol_ids)
- ]
- def _get_symbol_type(self):
- """Return the type of the self.symbol ('branch' or 'tag')."""
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def get_author(self):
- return Ctx().username
- def get_log_msg(self):
- """Return a manufactured log message for this commit."""
- return self.text_wrapper.fill(
- Ctx().symbol_commit_message % {
- 'symbol_type' : self._get_symbol_type(),
- 'symbol_name' : self.symbol.name,
- }
- )
- def get_description(self):
- return 'copying to %s %r' % (self._get_symbol_type(), self.symbol.name,)
- def __str__(self):
- """ Print a human-readable description of this SVNCommit.
- This description is not intended to be machine-parseable."""
- return (
- SVNCommit.__str__(self)
- + " symbolic name: %s\n" % (self.symbol.name,)
- )
-class SVNBranchCommit(SVNSymbolCommit):
- def __init__(self, symbol, cvs_symbol_ids, date, revnum):
- if not isinstance(symbol, Branch):
- raise InternalError('Incorrect symbol type %r' % (symbol,))
- SVNSymbolCommit.__init__(self, symbol, cvs_symbol_ids, date, revnum)
- def _get_symbol_type(self):
- return 'branch'
- def output(self, output_option):
- output_option.process_branch_commit(self)
-class SVNTagCommit(SVNSymbolCommit):
- def __init__(self, symbol, cvs_symbol_ids, date, revnum):
- if not isinstance(symbol, Tag):
- raise InternalError('Incorrect symbol type %r' % (symbol,))
- SVNSymbolCommit.__init__(self, symbol, cvs_symbol_ids, date, revnum)
- def _get_symbol_type(self):
- return 'tag'
- def output(self, output_option):
- output_option.process_tag_commit(self)