diff options
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/ChangeLog b/net-firewall/vuurmuur/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d96ae04e..000000000
--- a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for net-firewall/vuurmuur
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 01 Dec 2009; Sven Schwyn (svoop) <>
- +vuurmuur-0.8_beta2.ebuild, +files/vuurmuur.conf, +files/vuurmuur.init,
- +metadata.xml:
- Initial ebuild for bug 115697 thanks to TigerP and fredl.
diff --git a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/Manifest b/net-firewall/vuurmuur/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index d072cb6c1..000000000
--- a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-AUX vuurmuur.conf 311 RMD160 dc84e54dedc8db14d75cafaa8ab7098d75da104f SHA1 0f078fa4e563723998e348cd41ee47a274626ad3 SHA256 1724514ca6fed00ad42dabdebe43d095c12bb007b4382f6358135b99373a7466
-AUX vuurmuur.init 1257 RMD160 66087fa191a5a344d6671ff4aec2fb2f0315fc2d SHA1 7883be040d44ab925425c5eb2994dc85dbf5c7d4 SHA256 3179f7092f180a5287a6d0ed4519313df762f25a4de50acc376c5905729e0cae
-DIST Vuurmuur-0.8beta2.tar.gz 1877270 RMD160 d1f202adb5ab076ea7763c215faec2558100d5b6 SHA1 549cc3b7d8c86cac0cbccbb963a3b3d041e8ea70 SHA256 4c74de94698a0a4bca758322b5e4198afc27fb25401309a7ecff445742f28d0e
-EBUILD vuurmuur-0.8_beta2.ebuild 2565 RMD160 ccde772f6e32650da3af62e72623d3d40fc6bc5c SHA1 f40c074c796685fd2d67b62b2ecb38e697a2a438 SHA256 07bdcbaf82dd2346c58374f19e1a64a9d1256d5f2a9f5b69a90d882f9bcde6b0
-MISC ChangeLog 332 RMD160 04c823a02b57ca3de23e66549a33924fe11d8160 SHA1 136ce62dffe7aa780f4b6334feac82f6a0d6e0a3 SHA256 e11616ec626d7f5fae5d597fc06531d20f105397e06d3f07b88a571a9d2eaa26
-MISC metadata.xml 787 RMD160 7ba4b9181ee7ed0262274384606004f8fdc539f4 SHA1 1e0fd15989864731c442dd578c6fa9b9bc12c824 SHA256 56cd2a24a3a44c4031dd1530e75f6fe1adfda60d399870312f1989a57181ae56
diff --git a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/files/vuurmuur.conf b/net-firewall/vuurmuur/files/vuurmuur.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 06958d0a7..000000000
--- a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/files/vuurmuur.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Space separated list of kernel modules to load on start or 'none'.
-# Configuration file to read.
-# Options to be passed to the Vuurmuur daemon.
-# Comment the following line if you want more output when starting/stopping the daemons.
-QUIET="true" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/files/vuurmuur.init b/net-firewall/vuurmuur/files/vuurmuur.init
deleted file mode 100644
index a2e30a961..000000000
--- a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/files/vuurmuur.init
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# this next comment is important, don't remove it - it has to be somewhere in
-# the init script to kill off a warning that doesn't apply to us
-# svc_start svc_stop
-depend() {
- need net iptables
- use modules
-load_modules() {
- if [ "${MODULES}" != "none" ]; then
- ebegin "Loading modules for Vuurmuur"
- local module
- echo -n " "
- for module in `echo ${MODULES}`; do
- modprobe ${module}
- echo -n "${module} "
- done
- echo
- eend $?
- fi
-start() {
- if load_modules ; then
- ebegin "Starting Vuurmuur"
- if test ! -f ${CONFIG}; then
- eerror "Configuration file, ${CONFIG} does not exist."
- eend 2
- return 2
- fi
- start-stop-daemon --start ${QUIET+--quiet} --exec /usr/bin/vuurmuur -- ${OPTIONS}
- eend $?
- ebegin "Starting Vuurmuur Log"
- start-stop-daemon --start ${QUIET+--quiet} --exec /usr/bin/vuurmuur_log
- eend $?
- else
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping Vuurmuur"
- start-stop-daemon --stop ${QUIET+--quiet} --pidfile /var/run/
- eend $?
- ebegin "Stopping Vuurmuur Log"
- start-stop-daemon --stop ${QUIET+--quiet} --exec /usr/bin/vuurmuur_log
- eend $?
diff --git a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/metadata.xml b/net-firewall/vuurmuur/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 62eba147a..000000000
--- a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <herd>maintainer-wanted</herd>
- <longdescription lang="en">
- Vuurmuur is a firewall manager built on top of iptables on Linux.
- It has a simple and easy to learn user interface that allows both simple
- and complex configurations. The configuration can be fully made through
- an Ncurses GUI, which allows secure remote administration over SSH or on
- the console. Vuurmuur supports traffic shaping and has powerful monitoring
- features, which allow the administrator to look at the logs, connections
- and bandwidth usage in realtime.
- This ebuild contains the daemon, binaries and configs for Vuurmuur.
- </longdescription>
diff --git a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/vuurmuur-0.8_beta2.ebuild b/net-firewall/vuurmuur/vuurmuur-0.8_beta2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd218534..000000000
--- a/net-firewall/vuurmuur/vuurmuur-0.8_beta2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit autotools
-DESCRIPTION="Frontend for iptables featuring easy to use command line utils, rule- and logdaemons"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
- >=sys-libs/ncurses-5
- logrotate? ( app-admin/logrotate )"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- for component in vuurmuur vuurmuur_conf; do
- unpack "./${component}-${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
- done
-src_prepare() {
- for component in vuurmuur vuurmuur_conf; do
- cd "${S}/${component}-${MY_PV}"
- eautoreconf
- done
-src_configure() {
- cd "${S}/vuurmuur-${MY_PV}"
- econf \
- --with-libvuurmuur-includes=/usr/include \
- --with-libvuurmuur-libraries=/usr/lib
- cd "${S}/vuurmuur_conf-${MY_PV}"
- econf \
- --with-libvuurmuur-includes=/usr/include \
- --with-libvuurmuur-libraries=/usr/lib \
- --with-localedir=/usr/share/locale \
- --with-widec=yes
-src_compile() {
- for component in vuurmuur vuurmuur_conf; do
- cd "${S}/${component}-${MY_PV}"
- emake || die "compiling ${component} failed"
- done
-src_install() {
- cd "${S}/vuurmuur-${MY_PV}"
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "installing vuurmuur failed"
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/vuurmuur.init vuurmuur || die "installing init failed"
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/vuurmuur.conf vuurmuur || die "installing conf failed"
- insopts -m0600
- insinto /etc/vuurmuur
- newins config/config.conf.sample config.conf || die "installing config.conf failed"
- insopts -m0644
- if use logrotate; then
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins scripts/vuurmuur-logrotate vuurmuur || die "installing logrotate config failed"
- fi
- cd "${S}/vuurmuur_conf-${MY_PV}"
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "installing vuurmuur_conf failed"
- # needed until the wizard scripts are copied by make
- insopts -m0755
- insinto /usr/share/scripts
- doins scripts/*.sh || die "installing vuurmuur scripts failed"
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "Please read the manual on now - you have"
- elog "been warned!"
- elog
- elog "If this is a new install, make sure you define some rules"
- elog "BEFORE you start the daemon in order not to lock yourself"
- elog "out. The necessary steps are:"
- elog "1) vuurmuur_conf"
- elog "2) /etc/init.d/vuurmuur start"
- elog "3) rc-update add vuurmuur default"
diff --git a/net-libs/libvuurmuur/ChangeLog b/net-libs/libvuurmuur/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index fd90060da..000000000
--- a/net-libs/libvuurmuur/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for net-libs/libvuurmuur
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 01 Dec 2009; Sven Schwyn (svoop) <>
- +files/libvuurmuur-plugin-0.7.patch, +libvuurmuur-0.8_beta2.ebuild,
- +metadata.xml:
- Initial ebuild for bug 115696 thanks to TigerP and fredl.
diff --git a/net-libs/libvuurmuur/Manifest b/net-libs/libvuurmuur/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index ea8e0892b..000000000
--- a/net-libs/libvuurmuur/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-AUX libvuurmuur-plugin-0.7.patch 2156 RMD160 f9bdac8370cd622976e4e4fb1fdd056cb188efcf SHA1 97adbdc59a05cf005d81b355c84a49e08ce558a1 SHA256 7ca0c55fb25720f7044ceac2129b928180301c6d7c7be1bf2c8e873d492c1ef1
-DIST Vuurmuur-0.8beta2.tar.gz 1877270 RMD160 d1f202adb5ab076ea7763c215faec2558100d5b6 SHA1 549cc3b7d8c86cac0cbccbb963a3b3d041e8ea70 SHA256 4c74de94698a0a4bca758322b5e4198afc27fb25401309a7ecff445742f28d0e
-EBUILD libvuurmuur-0.8_beta2.ebuild 1108 RMD160 36172bf4e1efe4b025fd238386a3db6dc4d935de SHA1 a6efc4b015403ec5a656c582d8602d19f16e6af3 SHA256 a04377dfec7f91f12a8402db81fef13634eb715746cde11f50db170fad350f04
-MISC ChangeLog 327 RMD160 606b82c164204411e3b57637b29b8fdd3e434da5 SHA1 5c7b5dce27cdf1a24c6fb16ff7eb94bd17c19a4a SHA256 f46e67ac7c8135b1ce4d835c7e40e7cbd1e26b67df83a05c6d5470b348525c3e
-MISC metadata.xml 790 RMD160 0f23c1c2f5bed1db9ddd37e73b2f848017fc588d SHA1 492c2745cfd7c2442e5a6fab50383b23efacddb9 SHA256 8fc499b7bd99a35ec4a841ee747405426fef946bf8c660a51f58045a5fc75eac
diff --git a/net-libs/libvuurmuur/files/libvuurmuur-plugin-0.7.patch b/net-libs/libvuurmuur/files/libvuurmuur-plugin-0.7.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 035837a07..000000000
--- a/net-libs/libvuurmuur/files/libvuurmuur-plugin-0.7.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
---- libvuurmuur-0.7/src/backendapi.c 2009-03-22 14:22:18.000000000 +0100
-+++ libvuurmuur-0.7/src/backendapi.c.modified 2009-11-02 17:07:15.000000000 +0100
-@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
- return(-1);
- }
-- if(snprintf(plugin_location, sizeof(plugin_location), "%s/plugins/", conf.plugdir, plugin_name) >= (int)sizeof(plugin_location))
-+ if(snprintf(plugin_location, sizeof(plugin_location), "%s/", conf.plugdir, plugin_name) >= (int)sizeof(plugin_location))
- {
- (void)vrprint.error(-1, "Internal Error", "pluginpath "
- "overflow (in: %s:%d).", __FUNC__, __LINE__);
-diff -urN libvuurmuur-0.7/ libvuurmuur-0.7.modified/
---- libvuurmuur-0.7/ 2007-05-08 19:48:12.000000000 +0200
-+++ libvuurmuur-0.7.modified/ 2009-09-04 08:37:41.000000000 +0200
-@@ -17,10 +19,12 @@
- [plugindir="$withval"],[plugindir=no])
- if test "$plugindir" != "no"; then
-- CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -DPLUGINDIR=\"${plugindir}\""
-+ VUURMUUR_PLUGIN_DIR="${plugindir}"
- else
-- CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -DPLUGINDIR=\"${libdir}/vuurmuur\""
-+ VUURMUUR_PLUGIN_DIR="${libdir}/vuurmuur"
- fi
- # shared dir option for rpm building
- AC_ARG_WITH(shareddir,
-diff -urN libvuurmuur-0.7/ libvuurmuur-0.7.modified/
---- libvuurmuur-0.7/ 2007-05-08 19:48:12.000000000 +0200
-+++ libvuurmuur-0.7.modified/ 2009-09-03 13:04:03.000000000 +0200
-@@ -2,4 +2,6 @@
- # have all needed files, that a GNU package needs
- AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4
- SUBDIRS = src plugins doc
-diff -urN libvuurmuur-0.7/plugins/textdir/ libvuurmuur-0.7.modified/plugins/textdir/
---- libvuurmuur-0.7/plugins/textdir/ 2009-03-22 14:53:21.000000000 +0100
-+++ libvuurmuur-0.7.modified/plugins/textdir/ 2009-09-04 08:38:05.000000000 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- # textdir plugin
--libdir = "${exec_prefix}/lib/vuurmuur/plugins"
diff --git a/net-libs/libvuurmuur/libvuurmuur-0.8_beta2.ebuild b/net-libs/libvuurmuur/libvuurmuur-0.8_beta2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 706f08533..000000000
--- a/net-libs/libvuurmuur/libvuurmuur-0.8_beta2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit autotools
-DESCRIPTION="Libraries and plugins needed by Vuurmuur"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${MY_P}"
- unpack "./libvuurmuur-${MY_PV}.tar.gz"
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/libvuurmuur-plugin-0.7.patch # no longer needed as of >0.8_beta2
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- econf \
- --with-plugindir=/usr/lib \
- --with-shareddir=/usr/share
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "installing libvuurmuur failed"
- # files needed but not yet installed by make
- dodir /etc/vuurmuur/textdir || die "installing textdir failed"
- insinto /etc/vuurmuur/plugins
- doins plugins/textdir/textdir.conf || die "installing textdir.conf failed"
diff --git a/net-libs/libvuurmuur/metadata.xml b/net-libs/libvuurmuur/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 87177e882..000000000
--- a/net-libs/libvuurmuur/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <herd>maintainer-wanted</herd>
- <longdescription lang="en">
- Vuurmuur is a firewall manager built on top of iptables on Linux.
- It has a simple and easy to learn user interface that allows both simple
- and complex configurations. The configuration can be fully made through
- an Ncurses GUI, which allows secure remote administration over SSH or on
- the console. Vuurmuur supports traffic shaping and has powerful monitoring
- features, which allow the administrator to look at the logs, connections
- and bandwidth usage in realtime.
- This ebuild contains the libraries and shared components for Vuurmuur.
- </longdescription>