diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2017-01-06 12:43:12 -0800
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2017-01-06 16:37:35 -0800
commitde6a4b551f385b86b80187415a9716fbe2903a2c (patch)
tree5572da5f9b7e13ea4c376e6bf4ad395d4fd4e765 /app-emulation/ganeti
parentsys-kernel/gentoo-sources: Linux patch 4.8.16 (diff)
app-emulation/ganeti: cleanup unused patches.
Package-Manager: portage-2.3.2
Diffstat (limited to 'app-emulation/ganeti')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 374 deletions
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-daemon-util.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-daemon-util.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 09b10cd3354d..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-daemon-util.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/daemons/ b/daemons/
-index 01f2cbb..de4e396 100644
---- a/daemons/
-+++ b/daemons/
-@@ -22,18 +22,25 @@ set -e
--readonly defaults_file="$SYSCONFDIR/default/ganeti"
-+readonly defaults_file="$SYSCONFDIR/conf.d/ganeti"
- # This is a list of all daemons and the order in which they're started. The
- # order is important as there are dependencies between them. On shutdown,
- # they're stopped in reverse order.
-- ganeti-noded
-- ganeti-masterd
-- ganeti-rapi
-- ganeti-luxid
-- ganeti-kvmd
-- )
-+DAEMONS=( ganeti-noded )
-+_is_master() {
-+ [ -z "${ganeti_master}" ] && ganeti_master="$(gnt-cluster getmaster)"
-+ [ -z "${local_hostname}" ] && local_hostname="$(hostname -f)"
-+ [ "${ganeti_master}" = "${local_hostname}" ]
-+if _is_master; then
-+ DAEMONS+=( ganeti-masterd ganeti-rapi ganeti-luxid )
-+DAEMONS+=( ganeti-kvmd )
- _confd_enabled() {
- [[ "@CUSTOM_ENABLE_CONFD@" == True ]]
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-qemu-enable-kvm.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-qemu-enable-kvm.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f2cce0c759d1..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-qemu-enable-kvm.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/lib/hypervisor/ b/lib/hypervisor/
-index b61be65..100aafd 100644
---- a/lib/hypervisor/
-+++ b/lib/hypervisor/
-@@ -1380,6 +1380,7 @@ class KVMHypervisor(hv_base.BaseHypervisor):
- kvm = hvp[constants.HV_KVM_PATH]
- kvm_cmd = [kvm]
- # used just by the vnc server, if enabled
-+ kvm_cmd.extend(["-enable-kvm"])
- kvm_cmd.extend(["-name",])
- kvm_cmd.extend(["-m", instance.beparams[constants.BE_MAXMEM]])
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-regex-builtin.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-regex-builtin.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 08ef3778ca53..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-regex-builtin.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/ b/
-index d70db62..f94043f 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -612,8 +612,8 @@ CONFD_PKG=
- # if a new confd dependency is needed, add it here like:
- # AC_GHC_PKG_CHECK([somepkg], [], [HS_NODEV=1; CONFD_PKG="$CONFD_PKG somepkg"])
--AC_GHC_PKG_CHECK([regex-pcre], [HS_REGEX_PCRE=],
-- [HS_NODEV=1; CONFD_PKG="$CONFD_PKG regex-pcre"])
-+AC_GHC_PKG_CHECK([regex-pcre-builtin], [HS_REGEX_PCRE=],
-+ [HS_NODEV=1; CONFD_PKG="$CONFD_PKG regex-pcre-builtin"])
- has_confd=False
- if test "$enable_confd" != no; then
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-start-stop-daemon-args.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-start-stop-daemon-args.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f90233847ef..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-start-stop-daemon-args.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/daemons/ b/daemons/
-index 4d1d7c5..3deeab7 100644
---- a/daemons/
-+++ b/daemons/
-@@ -246,10 +246,11 @@ start() {
- @PKGLIBDIR@/ensure-dirs
- if type -p start-stop-daemon >/dev/null; then
-- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo \
-+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
- --pidfile $pidfile \
-- --startas $daemonexec \
-- --chuid $usergroup \
-+ --exec $daemonexec \
-+ --user $usergroup \
-+ --wait 300 \
- -- $args "$@"
- else
- # TODO: Find a way to start daemon with a group, until then the group must
-@@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ stop() {
- local pidfile=$(_daemon_pidfile $name)
- if type -p start-stop-daemon >/dev/null; then
-- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry 30 \
-+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --retry 30 \
- --pidfile $pidfile
- else
- _ignore_error killproc -p $pidfile $name
-@@ -348,8 +348,8 @@ rotate_logs() {
- local daemonexec=$(_daemon_executable $name)
- if type -p start-stop-daemon >/dev/null; then
-- start-stop-daemon --stop --signal HUP --quiet \
-- --oknodo --pidfile $pidfile
-+ start-stop-daemon --signal HUP --quiet \
-+ --pidfile $pidfile
- else
- _ignore_error killproc \
- -p $pidfile \
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-useradd.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-useradd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d546921bd9b6..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.11-useradd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/ b/
-index 7666d18..a8b6396 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -1695,9 +1695,9 @@ tools/users-setup: Makefile $(userspecs)
- echo 'read confirm'; \
- echo 'if [ "x$$confirm" != "xy" ]; then exit 0; fi'; \
- echo 'fi'; \
-- $(AWK) -- '{print "addgroup --system",$$1}' doc/users/groups; \
-- $(AWK) -- '{if (NF > 1) {print "adduser --system --ingroup",$$2,$$1} else {print "adduser --system",$$1}}' doc/users/users; \
-- $(AWK) -- '{print "adduser",$$1,$$2}' doc/users/groupmemberships; \
-+ $(AWK) -- '{print "groupadd --system",$$1}' doc/users/groups; \
-+ $(AWK) -- '{if (NF > 1) {print "useradd --system --gid",$$2,$$1} else {print "useradd --system",$$1}}' doc/users/users; \
-+ $(AWK) -- '{print "usermod --append --groups",$$2,$$1}' doc/users/groupmemberships; \
- } > $@
- chmod +x $@
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.12-tests.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.12-tests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index dcf9b5184a0b..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.12-tests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Runtime.hs b/test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Runtime.hs
-index b15aa36..a805869 100644
---- a/test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Runtime.hs
-+++ b/test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Runtime.hs
-@@ -126,10 +126,6 @@ case_UsersGroups = do
- (length py_users) (length users)
- assertEqual "Mismatch in number of returned users"
- (length py_groups) (length groups)
-- mapM_ (uncurry (assertEqual "Different result for users")
-- ) $ zip users py_users
-- mapM_ (uncurry (assertEqual "Different result for groups")
-- ) $ zip groups py_groups
- testSuite "Runtime"
- [ 'case_LogFiles
-diff --git a/test/py/daemon-util_unittest.bash b/test/py/daemon-util_unittest.bash
-index edaeac5..1ee6eae 100755
---- a/test/py/daemon-util_unittest.bash
-+++ b/test/py/daemon-util_unittest.bash
-@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ if ! grep -q '^ENABLE_MOND = ' lib/; then
- err "Please update $0, mond enable feature is missing"
- fi
--DAEMONS_LIST="noded wconfd rapi luxid kvmd"
--STOPDAEMONS_LIST="kvmd luxid rapi wconfd noded"
-+DAEMONS_LIST="noded wconfd kvmd"
-+STOPDAEMONS_LIST="kvmd wconfd noded"
- if grep -q '^ENABLE_CONFD = True' lib/; then
-diff --git a/test/py/ b/test/py/
-index 7d4cbb6..08752fe 100755
---- a/test/py/
-+++ b/test/py/
-@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ class TestRunCmd(testutils.GanetiTestCase):
- result = utils.RunCmd(["/bin/sh", "-c", cmd], timeout=0.2,
- noclose_fds=[self.proc_ready_helper.write_fd],
- postfork_fn=self.proc_ready_helper.Ready)
-- self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, 0)
-+ self.assertEqual(result.exit_code, None)
- def testTimeoutKill(self):
- cmd = ["/bin/sh", "-c", "trap '' TERM; echo >&%d; read < %s" %
-@@ -289,15 +289,6 @@ class TestRunCmd(testutils.GanetiTestCase):
- self.assert_(status < 0)
- self.assertEqual(-status, signal.SIGKILL)
-- def testTimeoutOutputAfterTerm(self):
-- cmd = ("trap 'echo sigtermed; exit 1' TERM; echo >&%d; read < %s" %
-- (self.proc_ready_helper.write_fd, self.fifo_file))
-- result = utils.RunCmd(["/bin/sh", "-c", cmd], timeout=0.2,
-- noclose_fds=[self.proc_ready_helper.write_fd],
-- postfork_fn=self.proc_ready_helper.Ready)
-- self.assert_(result.failed)
-- self.assertEqual(result.stdout, "sigtermed\n")
- def testListRun(self):
- """Test list runs"""
- result = utils.RunCmd(["true"])
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.12.3-daemon-util.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.12.3-daemon-util.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f6bfa3208d1..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.12.3-daemon-util.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/daemons/ b/daemons/
-index 6a47253..d7afd84 100644
---- a/daemons/
-+++ b/daemons/
-@@ -31,18 +31,24 @@ set -e
--readonly defaults_file="$SYSCONFDIR/default/ganeti"
-+readonly defaults_file="$SYSCONFDIR/conf.d/ganeti"
- # This is a list of all daemons and the order in which they're started. The
- # order is important as there are dependencies between them. On shutdown,
- # they're stopped in reverse order.
-- ganeti-noded
-- ganeti-wconfd
-- ganeti-rapi
-- ganeti-luxid
-- ganeti-kvmd
-- )
-+DAEMONS=( ganeti-noded )
-+_is_master() {
-+ [ -z "${GANETI_MASTER}" ] && GANETI_MASTER="$(gnt-cluster getmaster)"
-+ [ -z "${LOCAL_HOSTNAME}" ] && LOCAL_HOSTNAME="$(hostname -f)"
-+if _is_master; then
-+ DAEMONS+=( ganeti-wconfd ganeti-rapi ganeti-luxid )
-+DAEMONS+=( ganeti-kvmd )
- # This is the list of daemons that are loaded on demand; they should only be
- # stopped, not started.
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.13-daemon-util.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.13-daemon-util.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d8dedfe89dd..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.13-daemon-util.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/daemons/ b/daemons/
-index 7636fc9..e93370f 100644
---- a/daemons/
-+++ b/daemons/
-@@ -31,25 +31,28 @@ set -e
--readonly defaults_file="$SYSCONFDIR/default/ganeti"
--# This is a list of all daemons and the order in which they're started. The
--# order is important as there are dependencies between them. On shutdown,
--# they're stopped in reverse order.
-- ganeti-noded
-- ganeti-confd
-- ganeti-wconfd
-- ganeti-rapi
-- ganeti-luxid
-- ganeti-kvmd
-- )
-+readonly defaults_file="$SYSCONFDIR/conf.d/ganeti"
- # This is the list of daemons that are loaded on demand; they should only be
- # stopped, not started.
- ganeti-metad
- )
-+DAEMONS=( ganeti-noded ganeti-confd )
-+_is_master() {
-+ [ -z "${GANETI_MASTER}" ] && GANETI_MASTER="$(gnt-cluster getmaster)"
-+ [ -z "${LOCAL_HOSTNAME}" ] && LOCAL_HOSTNAME="$(hostname -f)"
-+if _is_master; then
-+ DAEMONS+=( ganeti-wconfd ganeti-rapi ganeti-luxid )
-+ DAEMONS+=( ganeti-rapi )
-+DAEMONS+=( ganeti-kvmd )
- _mond_enabled() {
- [[ "@CUSTOM_ENABLE_MOND@" == True ]]
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.13-disable-usersgroups-test.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.13-disable-usersgroups-test.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e81b515d830..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.13-disable-usersgroups-test.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Runtime.hs b/test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Runtime.hs
-index b15aa36..7aa75ca 100644
---- a/test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Runtime.hs
-+++ b/test/hs/Test/Ganeti/Runtime.hs
-@@ -75,63 +75,7 @@ case_LogFiles = do
- mapM_ (uncurry (assertEqual "Different result after encoding/decoding")
- ) $ zip dfiles decoded
---- | Tests the compatibility between Haskell and Python users.
--case_UsersGroups :: Assertion
--case_UsersGroups = do
-- -- note: we don't have here a programatic way to list all users, so
-- -- we harcode some parts of the two (hs/py) lists
-- let daemons = [minBound..maxBound]::[GanetiDaemon]
-- users = map daemonUser daemons
-- groups = map daemonGroup $
-- map DaemonGroup daemons ++ map ExtraGroup [minBound..maxBound]
-- py_stdout <-
-- runPython "from ganeti import constants\n\
-- \from ganeti import serializer\n\
-- \import sys\n\
-- \users = [constants.MASTERD_USER,\n\
-- \ constants.NODED_USER,\n\
-- \ constants.RAPI_USER,\n\
-- \ constants.CONFD_USER,\n\
-- \ constants.WCONFD_USER,\n\
-- \ constants.KVMD_USER,\n\
-- \ constants.LUXID_USER,\n\
-- \ constants.METAD_USER,\n\
-- \ constants.MOND_USER,\n\
-- \ ]\n\
-- \groups = [constants.MASTERD_GROUP,\n\
-- \ constants.NODED_GROUP,\n\
-- \ constants.RAPI_GROUP,\n\
-- \ constants.CONFD_GROUP,\n\
-- \ constants.WCONFD_GROUP,\n\
-- \ constants.KVMD_GROUP,\n\
-- \ constants.LUXID_GROUP,\n\
-- \ constants.METAD_GROUP,\n\
-- \ constants.MOND_GROUP,\n\
-- \ constants.DAEMONS_GROUP,\n\
-- \ constants.ADMIN_GROUP,\n\
-- \ ]\n\
-- \encoded = (users, groups)\n\
-- \print serializer.Dump(encoded)" ""
-- >>= checkPythonResult
-- let deserialised = J.decode py_stdout::J.Result ([String], [String])
-- (py_users, py_groups) <-
-- case deserialised of
-- J.Ok ops -> return ops
-- J.Error msg ->
-- assertFailure ("Unable to decode users/groups: " ++ msg)
-- -- this already raised an expection, but we need it for proper
-- -- types
-- >> fail "Unable to decode users/groups"
-- assertEqual "Mismatch in number of returned users"
-- (length py_users) (length users)
-- assertEqual "Mismatch in number of returned users"
-- (length py_groups) (length groups)
-- mapM_ (uncurry (assertEqual "Different result for users")
-- ) $ zip users py_users
-- mapM_ (uncurry (assertEqual "Different result for groups")
-- ) $ zip groups py_groups
- testSuite "Runtime"
- [ 'case_LogFiles
-- , 'case_UsersGroups
- ]
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.13-regex-pcre-builtin.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.13-regex-pcre-builtin.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ced966fbe6e3..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.13-regex-pcre-builtin.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/ b/
-index e014d7a..024e584 100644
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ AC_GHC_PKG_REQUIRE(hinotify)
- AC_GHC_PKG_REQUIRE(lifted-base)
- #extra modules for monitoring daemon functionality; also needed for tests
diff --git a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.7-fix-tests.patch b/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.7-fix-tests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b3b5ad17f2b1..000000000000
--- a/app-emulation/ganeti/files/ganeti-2.7-fix-tests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/test/py/ b/test/py/
-index 30e00d8..50f91fc 100755
---- a/test/py/
-+++ b/test/py/
-@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class TestHooksRunner(unittest.TestCase):
- os.symlink("/usr/bin/env", fname)
- self.torm.append((fname, False))
- env_snt = {"PHASE": phase}
-- env_exp = "PHASE=%s" % phase
-+ env_exp = "\\nPHASE=%s" % phase
- self.failUnlessEqual(, phase, env_snt),
- [(self._rname(fname), HKR_SUCCESS, env_exp)])
-diff --git a/test/py/ b/test/py/
-index 2e36cfa..e0392b2 100755
---- a/test/py/
-+++ b/test/py/
-@@ -341,10 +341,10 @@ class TestRunCmd(testutils.GanetiTestCase):
- def testResetEnv(self):
- """Test environment reset functionality"""
- self.failUnlessEqual(utils.RunCmd(["env"], reset_env=True).stdout.strip(),
-- "")
-+ "")
- self.failUnlessEqual(utils.RunCmd(["env"], reset_env=True,
- env={"FOO": "bar",}).stdout.strip(),
-- "FOO=bar")
-+ "\nFOO=bar")
- def testNoFork(self):
- """Test that nofork raise an error"""