diff options
authorMarty E. Plummer <>2017-12-28 23:52:43 -0600
committerSergei Trofimovich <>2017-12-29 11:45:07 +0000
commite579457fd49eef426c8cc4d6170cf83b9a42328f (patch)
tree781735039893a629137f4f9ac0925c471f25d41f /dev-util/mingw64-runtime/mingw64-runtime-5.0.3-r1.ebuild
parentdev-libs/mpc: remove eautoreconf call from ebuild, bug #642300 (diff)
dev-util/mingw64-runtime: prefixify build
Currently building a mingw-w64 toolchain inside of gentoo prefix with crossdev will fail, due to installing files outside of the prefix. Added ${EPREFIX} where apropriate fixed this issue. Tested in a prefix with toolchain x86_64-w64-mingw32, and tested on bare gentoo with x86_64-w64-mingw32 & i686-w64-mingw32. Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.19, Repoman-2.3.6 Closes:
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/mingw64-runtime/mingw64-runtime-5.0.3-r1.ebuild')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/mingw64-runtime/mingw64-runtime-5.0.3-r1.ebuild b/dev-util/mingw64-runtime/mingw64-runtime-5.0.3-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1b9f05639b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/mingw64-runtime/mingw64-runtime-5.0.3-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+export CBUILD=${CBUILD:-${CHOST}}
+if [[ ${CTARGET} == ${CHOST} ]] ; then
+ if [[ ${CATEGORY} == cross-* ]] ; then
+ export CTARGET=${CATEGORY#cross-}
+ fi
+inherit autotools flag-o-matic eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Free Win64 runtime and import library definitions"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="crosscompile_opts_headers-only idl libraries tools"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-build.patch"
+is_crosscompile() {
+ [[ ${CHOST} != ${CTARGET} ]]
+just_headers() {
+ use crosscompile_opts_headers-only && [[ ${CHOST} != ${CTARGET} ]]
+crt_with() {
+ just_headers && echo --without-$1 || echo --with-$1
+crt_use_enable() {
+ just_headers && echo --without-$2 || use_enable "$@"
+crt_use_with() {
+ just_headers && echo --without-$2 || use_with "$@"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if [[ ${CBUILD} == ${CHOST} ]] && [[ ${CHOST} == ${CTARGET} ]] ; then
+ die "Invalid configuration"
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ CHOST=${CTARGET} strip-unsupported-flags
+ if ! just_headers; then
+ mkdir "${WORKDIR}/headers"
+ pushd "${WORKDIR}/headers" > /dev/null
+ CHOST=${CTARGET} "${S}/configure" \
+ --prefix="${T}/tmproot" \
+ --with-headers \
+ --without-crt \
+ || die
+ popd > /dev/null
+ append-cppflags "-I${T}/tmproot/include"
+ fi
+ CHOST=${CTARGET} econf \
+ --prefix="${EPREFIX}"/usr/${CTARGET} \
+ --includedir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/${CTARGET}/usr/include \
+ --libdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/${CTARGET}/usr/lib \
+ --with-headers \
+ --enable-sdk \
+ $(crt_with crt) \
+ $(crt_use_enable idl idl) \
+ $(crt_use_with libraries libraries) \
+ $(crt_use_with tools tools) \
+ $(
+ $(tc-getCPP ${CTARGET}) ${CPPFLAGS} -dM - < /dev/null | grep -q __MINGW64__ \
+ && echo --disable-lib32 --enable-lib64 \
+ || echo --enable-lib32 --disable-lib64
+ )
+src_compile() {
+ if ! just_headers; then
+ emake -C "${WORKDIR}/headers" install
+ fi
+ default
+src_install() {
+ default
+ if is_crosscompile ; then
+ # gcc is configured to look at specific hard-coded paths for mingw #419601
+ dosym usr /usr/${CTARGET}/mingw
+ dosym usr /usr/${CTARGET}/${CTARGET}
+ dosym usr/include /usr/${CTARGET}/sys-include
+ fi
+ env -uRESTRICT CHOST=${CTARGET} prepallstrip
+ rm -rf "${ED}/usr/share"