diff options
authorMichael Sterrett <>2015-10-22 05:24:45 -0400
committerMichael Sterrett <>2015-10-22 05:24:56 -0400
commit27a8698c74ab342a1735981b8bcc45ff42a66915 (patch)
tree3549f67a704e0cdd019847dbadd6b7548f9a4904 /games-action/openclonk
parentapp-text/pdfgrep: Version Bump (diff)
version bump (bug #543530)
Package-Manager: portage-
Diffstat (limited to 'games-action/openclonk')
6 files changed, 1294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games-action/openclonk/Manifest b/games-action/openclonk/Manifest
index 21eb4c31f9f6..880992f5b167 100644
--- a/games-action/openclonk/Manifest
+++ b/games-action/openclonk/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
DIST openclonk-5.5.1-src.tar.bz2 65383438 SHA256 c038d6dc2ef9a3d7966b18ba6147b9dd136f353dfaa5796455f9917b79255743 SHA512 eb111a1f19e2373e6999850dddafa9a5653694904f470690ef39300e4cc3105f0394637e7dbea0a4cff9d91dd30b04f9037252eb0e8830966696f01f6424b977 WHIRLPOOL 990e90ff0daf9aa9dc4826ff621f0647089a68b5ba7d798a4d6cd5ef5d9ec78a666ae897241a6d556f90110f6739206fb09ebc2bc6c9558df65ee67dba0ea8af
+DIST openclonk-6.1-src.tar.bz2 68861317 SHA256 5c3903f82c9d7e8c466ab1ff594d553911a6e5fa0be2a326684d823ef1c24905 SHA512 2705a34e797e8352c2f480c57f1c8131a4e2c71bec3ac353d1cdbca6976e7b9e4722ed171b67c03f958eecedbe43b2751be843d7fcc460c2ee65fd035bc6bb4a WHIRLPOOL 3cb05e758c91ec963f198dbe2fbdb117641628ccd139ad787e55a1b57a93719e2d4b655758cbcbf8f42a5391b09282488133febd7f9400e51587291f72126136
DIST openclonk.png 8487 SHA256 93ff9f479e166f30f1c1042c32624b7e54b4d917813a4f46cce57e39a1f30233 SHA512 3bd2bb20167349130d767719f6732d9682ec32a09f5e8c13fe6245648185eee28edfe564ae64bdc5539c19de701f321887c7fa71e8d1f1f640e0ec6b933544de WHIRLPOOL 190876380614e82092a0d825612cec9dbd0294aec1caf9fe00a137d75525736d87e56507851f61292b736601c1124aac1d1724e94cd0846fa60f5fcab714ef13
diff --git a/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-dedicated.patch b/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-dedicated.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..588e14ae422a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-dedicated.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1073 @@
+From 652c7e43e23652fb8bf05b4b57e6db36b0eb765c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Nicolas Hake <>
+Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 21:30:56 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix headless build
+Several rendering changes have resulted in a non-rendering build that
+failed to build from source. Dummy out all of these functions to make it
+work again.
+Author: Nicolas Hake <>
+Date: Wed Jun 17 21:30:56 2015 +0200
+ src/lib/StdMesh.h
+ src/graphics/C4DrawT.cpp | 2 +-
+ src/graphics/C4DrawT.h | 6 +++++-
+ src/graphics/C4GraphicsResource.cpp | 2 ++
+ src/graphics/C4Shader.cpp | 21 +++++++++++++++++--
+ src/graphics/C4Shader.h | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoW.cpp | 14 +++++++++++++
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoW.h | 2 ++
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWAmbient.cpp | 13 ++++++++++--
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWAmbient.h | 2 ++
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWBeam.cpp | 6 +++++-
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWBeam.h | 5 ++++-
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWDrawStrategy.cpp | 4 ++++
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWDrawStrategy.h | 4 ++++
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLight.cpp | 5 +++++
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLight.h | 6 +++++-
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLightSection.cpp | 5 +++++
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLightSection.h | 6 +++++-
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.cpp | 12 +++++++++--
+ src/landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.h | 5 ++++-
+ src/lib/StdMesh.cpp | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
+ src/lib/StdMesh.h | 6 +++++-
+ src/lib/StdMeshMaterial.cpp | 19 ++++++++++++++++-
+ src/object/C4Def.cpp | 2 ++
+ 23 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/graphics/C4DrawT.cpp b/src/graphics/C4DrawT.cpp
+index 694dd98..69b93e4 100644
+--- a/src/graphics/C4DrawT.cpp
++++ b/src/graphics/C4DrawT.cpp
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ CStdNoGfx::CStdNoGfx()
+ Default();
+ }
+-bool CStdNoGfx::CreatePrimarySurfaces(bool Fullscreen, unsigned int iXRes, unsigned int iYRes, int iColorDepth, unsigned int iMonitor)
++bool CStdNoGfx::CreatePrimarySurfaces(unsigned int iXRes, unsigned int iYRes, int iColorDepth, unsigned int iMonitor)
+ {
+ Log("Graphics disabled.");
+ // Save back color depth
+diff --git a/src/graphics/C4DrawT.h b/src/graphics/C4DrawT.h
+index b7b7e97..519ba95 100644
+--- a/src/graphics/C4DrawT.h
++++ b/src/graphics/C4DrawT.h
+@@ -41,8 +41,12 @@ public:
+ virtual bool InvalidateDeviceObjects() { return true; }
+ virtual bool DeleteDeviceObjects() { return true; }
+ virtual bool DeviceReady() { return true; }
+- virtual bool CreatePrimarySurfaces(bool, unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int);
++ virtual bool CreatePrimarySurfaces(unsigned int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int);
+ virtual bool SetOutputAdapter(unsigned int) { return true; }
++ virtual void PerformMultiPix(C4Surface *, const C4BltVertex *, unsigned int) {}
++ virtual void PerformMultiLines(C4Surface *, const C4BltVertex *, unsigned int, float) {}
++ virtual void PerformMultiTris(C4Surface *, const C4BltVertex *, unsigned int, const C4BltTransform *, C4TexRef *, C4TexRef *, C4TexRef *, DWORD) {}
+ };
+ #endif
+diff --git a/src/graphics/C4GraphicsResource.cpp b/src/graphics/C4GraphicsResource.cpp
+index 774fd39..f55b22f 100644
+--- a/src/graphics/C4GraphicsResource.cpp
++++ b/src/graphics/C4GraphicsResource.cpp
+@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ bool C4GraphicsResource::Init()
+ return false;
+ }
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Pre-load all shader files
+ Files.PreCacheEntries(C4CFN_ShaderFiles);
+ if (!pGL->InitShaders(&Files))
+@@ -193,6 +194,7 @@ bool C4GraphicsResource::Init()
+ LogFatal(LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_GFX_INITSHADERS"));
+ return false;
+ }
+ Game.SetInitProgress(11.0f);
+ ProgressStart = 12.0f; ProgressIncrement = 0.35f; // TODO: This should be changed so that it stops at 25%, no matter how many graphics we load.
+diff --git a/src/graphics/C4Shader.cpp b/src/graphics/C4Shader.cpp
+index 32de995..bec53b5 100644
+--- a/src/graphics/C4Shader.cpp
++++ b/src/graphics/C4Shader.cpp
+@@ -39,8 +39,10 @@ C4ShaderPosName C4SH_PosNames[] = {
+ C4Shader::C4Shader()
+ : iTexCoords(0)
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ , hVert(0), hFrag(0), hProg(0)
+ , pUniforms(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+@@ -260,6 +262,7 @@ void C4Shader::AddVertexDefaults()
+ AddVertexSlice(C4Shader_Vertex_PositionPos, "gl_Position = ftransform();\n");
+ }
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ GLenum C4Shader::AddTexCoord(const char *szName)
+ {
+ // Make sure we have enough space
+@@ -275,6 +278,7 @@ GLenum C4Shader::AddTexCoord(const char *szName)
+ return GL_TEXTURE0 + iTexCoords++;
+ }
+ void C4Shader::ClearSlices()
+ {
+@@ -285,6 +289,7 @@ void C4Shader::ClearSlices()
+ void C4Shader::Clear()
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ if (!hProg) return;
+ // Need to be detached, then deleted
+ glDetachObjectARB(hProg, hFrag);
+@@ -296,11 +301,12 @@ void C4Shader::Clear()
+ // Clear uniform data
+ delete[] pUniforms; pUniforms = NULL;
+ iUniformCount = 0;
+ }
+ bool C4Shader::Init(const char *szWhat, const char **szUniforms)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // No support?
+ if(!GLEW_ARB_fragment_program)
+ {
+@@ -310,6 +316,7 @@ bool C4Shader::Init(const char *szWhat, const char **szUniforms)
+ // Clear old shader first
+ if (hProg) Clear();
+ // Dump
+ if (C4Shader::IsLogging())
+@@ -320,6 +327,7 @@ bool C4Shader::Init(const char *szWhat, const char **szUniforms)
+ ShaderLog(Build(FragmentSlices, true).getData());
+ }
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Attempt to create shaders
+ StdStrBuf VertexShader = Build(VertexSlices),
+ FragmentShader = Build(FragmentSlices);
+@@ -363,6 +371,7 @@ bool C4Shader::Init(const char *szWhat, const char **szUniforms)
+ // because the respective uniforms got optimized out!
+ for (int i = 0; i < iUniformCount; i++)
+ pUniforms[i] = glGetUniformLocationARB(hProg, szUniforms[i]);
+ return true;
+ }
+@@ -420,9 +429,13 @@ StdStrBuf C4Shader::Build(const ShaderSliceList &Slices, bool fDebug)
+ // At the start of the shader set the #version and number of
+ // available uniforms
+ StdStrBuf Buf;
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ GLint iMaxFrags = 0, iMaxVerts = 0;
++ int iMaxFrags = INT_MAX, iMaxVerts = INT_MAX;
+ Buf.Format("#version %d\n"
+@@ -468,6 +481,7 @@ StdStrBuf C4Shader::Build(const ShaderSliceList &Slices, bool fDebug)
+ return Buf;
+ }
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ GLhandleARB C4Shader::Create(GLenum iShaderType, const char *szWhat, const char *szShader)
+ {
+ // Create shader
+@@ -515,9 +529,11 @@ int C4Shader::GetObjectStatus(GLhandleARB hObj, GLenum type)
+ glGetObjectParameterivARB(hObj, type, &iStatus);
+ return iStatus;
+ }
+ bool C4Shader::IsLogging() { return !!Application.isEditor; }
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ GLint C4ShaderCall::AllocTexUnit(int iUniform, GLenum iType)
+ {
+ // Want to bind uniform automatically? If not, the caller will take
+@@ -550,7 +566,6 @@ void C4ShaderCall::Start()
+ // Activate shader
+ glUseProgramObjectARB(pShader->hProg);
+ fStarted = true;
+ }
+ void C4ShaderCall::Finish()
+@@ -569,3 +584,5 @@ void C4ShaderCall::Finish()
+ iUnits = 0;
+ fStarted = false;
+ }
+diff --git a/src/graphics/C4Shader.h b/src/graphics/C4Shader.h
+index 53e38cc..c988d90 100644
+--- a/src/graphics/C4Shader.h
++++ b/src/graphics/C4Shader.h
+@@ -68,11 +68,13 @@ private:
+ // Used texture coordinates
+ int iTexCoords;
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // shaders
+ GLhandleARB hVert, hFrag, hProg;
+ // shader variables
+ int iUniformCount;
+ GLint *pUniforms;
+ public:
+ enum VertexAttribIndex
+@@ -93,15 +95,35 @@ public:
+ VAI_BoneIndicesMax = VAI_BoneIndices + VAI_BoneWeightsMax - VAI_BoneWeights
+ };
+- bool Initialised() const { return hVert != 0; }
++ bool Initialised() const
++ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
++ return hVert != 0;
++ return true;
++ }
+ // Uniform getters
+- GLint GetUniform(int iUniform) const {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
++ GLint GetUniform(int iUniform) const
++ {
+ return iUniform >= 0 && iUniform < iUniformCount ? pUniforms[iUniform] : -1;
+ }
+- bool HaveUniform(int iUniform) const {
++ bool HaveUniform(int iUniform) const
++ {
+ return GetUniform(iUniform) != GLint(-1);
+ }
++ int GetUniform(int iUniform) const
++ {
++ return -1;
++ }
++ bool HaveUniform(int iUniform) const
++ {
++ return false;
++ }
+ // Shader is composed from various slices
+ void AddVertexSlice(int iPos, const char *szText);
+@@ -113,10 +135,12 @@ public:
+ // Add default vertex code (2D - no transformation)
+ void AddVertexDefaults();
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Allocate a texture coordinate, returning its ID to be used with glMultiTexCoord.
+ // The texture coordinate will be visible to both shaders under the given name.
+ // Note that in contrast to uniforms, these will not disappear if not used!
+ GLenum AddTexCoord(const char *szName);
+ // Assemble and link the shader. Should be called again after new slices are added.
+ bool Init(const char *szWhat, const char **szUniforms);
+@@ -131,18 +155,22 @@ private:
+ int ParsePosition(const char *szWhat, const char **ppPos);
+ StdStrBuf Build(const ShaderSliceList &Slices, bool fDebug = false);
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ GLhandleARB Create(GLenum iShaderType, const char *szWhat, const char *szShader);
+ void DumpInfoLog(const char *szWhat, GLhandleARB hShader);
+ int GetObjectStatus(GLhandleARB hObj, GLenum type);
+ public:
+ static bool IsLogging();
+ };
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ class C4ShaderCall
+ {
+ public:
+- C4ShaderCall(const C4Shader *pShader)
++ C4ShaderCall(const C4Shader *pShader)
+ : fStarted(false), pShader(pShader), iUnits(0)
+ { }
+ ~C4ShaderCall() { Finish(); }
+@@ -210,5 +238,6 @@ public:
+ void Start();
+ void Finish();
+ };
+ #endif // INC_C4Shader
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoW.cpp b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoW.cpp
+index 1dcddb6..be9019b 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoW.cpp
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoW.cpp
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ C4FoW::C4FoW()
+ C4Shader *C4FoW::GetFramebufShader()
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Not created yet?
+ if (!FramebufShader.Initialised())
+ {
+@@ -46,10 +47,14 @@ C4Shader *C4FoW::GetFramebufShader()
+ }
+ return &FramebufShader;
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ void C4FoW::Add(C4Object *pObj)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // No view range? Probably want to remove instead
+ if(!pObj->lightRange && !pObj->lightFadeoutRange)
+ {
+@@ -77,10 +82,12 @@ void C4FoW::Add(C4Object *pObj)
+ pLight->pNext = pLights;
+ pLights = pLight;
+ }
+ }
+ void C4FoW::Remove(C4Object *pObj)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Look for matching light
+ C4FoWLight *pPrev = NULL, *pLight;
+ for (pLight = pLights; pLight; pPrev = pLight, pLight = pLight->getNext())
+@@ -92,24 +99,31 @@ void C4FoW::Remove(C4Object *pObj)
+ // Remove
+ (pPrev ? pPrev->pNext : pLights) = pLight->getNext();
+ delete pLight;
+ }
+ void C4FoW::Invalidate(C4Rect r)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ for (C4FoWLight *pLight = pLights; pLight; pLight = pLight->getNext())
+ pLight->Invalidate(r);
+ }
+ void C4FoW::Update(C4Rect r, C4Player *pPlr)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ for (C4FoWLight *pLight = pLights; pLight; pLight = pLight->getNext())
+ if (pLight->IsVisibleForPlayer(pPlr))
+ pLight->Update(r);
+ }
+ void C4FoW::Render(C4FoWRegion *pRegion, const C4TargetFacet *pOnScreen, C4Player *pPlr)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ for (C4FoWLight *pLight = pLights; pLight; pLight = pLight->getNext())
+ if (pLight->IsVisibleForPlayer(pPlr))
+ pLight->Render(pRegion, pOnScreen);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoW.h b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoW.h
+index 4006f6e..59f110b 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoW.h
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoW.h
+@@ -99,8 +99,10 @@ public:
+ void Render(class C4FoWRegion *pRegion, const C4TargetFacet *pOnScreen, C4Player *pPlr);
+ private:
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Shader for updating the frame buffer
+ C4Shader FramebufShader;
+ };
+ #endif // C4FOW_H
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWAmbient.cpp b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWAmbient.cpp
+index 6e0ec09..e257570 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWAmbient.cpp
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWAmbient.cpp
+@@ -84,7 +84,10 @@ struct LightMapZoom {
+ } // anonymous namespace
+ C4FoWAmbient::C4FoWAmbient() :
+- Tex(0), Resolution(0.), Radius(0.), FullCoverage(0.),
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
++ Tex(0),
++ Resolution(0.), Radius(0.), FullCoverage(0.),
+ SizeX(0), LandscapeX(0), SizeY(0), LandscapeY(0),
+ Brightness(1.)
+ {
+@@ -97,8 +100,10 @@ C4FoWAmbient::~C4FoWAmbient()
+ void C4FoWAmbient::Clear()
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ if(Tex != 0) glDeleteTextures(1, &Tex);
+ Tex = 0;
+ Resolution = Radius = FullCoverage = 0.;
+ SizeX = SizeY = 0;
+ LandscapeX = LandscapeY = 0;
+@@ -112,7 +117,7 @@ void C4FoWAmbient::CreateFromLandscape(const C4Landscape& landscape, double reso
+ assert(full_coverage > 0 && full_coverage <= 1.);
+ // Clear old map
+- if(Tex != 0) Clear();
++ Clear();
+ Resolution = resolution;
+ Radius = radius;
+@@ -124,6 +129,7 @@ void C4FoWAmbient::CreateFromLandscape(const C4Landscape& landscape, double reso
+ SizeX = Min<unsigned int>(static_cast<unsigned int>(ceil(LandscapeX / resolution)), pDraw->MaxTexSize);
+ SizeY = Min<unsigned int>(static_cast<unsigned int>(ceil(LandscapeY / resolution)), pDraw->MaxTexSize);
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ glGenTextures(1, &Tex);
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex);
+@@ -136,10 +142,12 @@ void C4FoWAmbient::CreateFromLandscape(const C4Landscape& landscape, double reso
+ UpdateFromLandscape(landscape, C4Rect(0, 0, landscape.Width, landscape.Height));
+ uint32_t dt = C4TimeMilliseconds::Now() - begin;
+ LogF("Created %ux%u ambient map in %g secs", SizeX, SizeY, dt / 1000.);
+ }
+ void C4FoWAmbient::UpdateFromLandscape(const C4Landscape& landscape, const C4Rect& update)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Nothing to do?
+ if(update.Wdt == 0 || update.Hgt == 0) return;
+@@ -191,6 +199,7 @@ void C4FoWAmbient::UpdateFromLandscape(const C4Landscape& landscape, const C4Rec
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex);
+ glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, left, top, (right - left), (bottom - top), GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, ambient);
+ delete[] ambient;
+ }
+ void C4FoWAmbient::GetFragTransform(const FLOAT_RECT& vpRect, const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect, float ambientTransform[6]) const
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWAmbient.h b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWAmbient.h
+index ded91b9..d8ce833 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWAmbient.h
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWAmbient.h
+@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ public:
+ C4FoWAmbient();
+ ~C4FoWAmbient();
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ GLuint Tex;
+ private:
+ // Parameters
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWBeam.cpp b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWBeam.cpp
+index a5736a0..e515d0c 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWBeam.cpp
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWBeam.cpp
+@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
+ */
+ #include "C4Include.h"
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ #include "C4FoWBeam.h"
+ // Maximum error allowed while merging beams.
+@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ bool C4FoWBeam::MergeRight(int32_t x, int32_t y)
+ // Calculate error. Note that simply summing up errors is not correct,
+ // strictly speaking (as new and old error surfaces might overlap). Still,
+- // this is quite elaborate already, no need to make it even more
++ // this is quite elaborate already, no need to make it even more
+ int32_t iErr = getDoubleTriangleSurface(
+ getLeftEndX(), iLeftEndY,
+ getRightEndX(), iRightEndY,
+@@ -193,3 +195,5 @@ void C4FoWBeam::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
+ pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(iError, "iError"));
+ pComp->Value(mkNamingAdapt(fDirty, "fDirty"));
+ }
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWBeam.h b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWBeam.h
+index 7297fa9..531e7a4 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWBeam.h
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWBeam.h
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ #ifndef C4FOWBEAM_H
+ #define C4FOWBEAM_H
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ #include "StdBuf.h"
+ /** This class represents one beam. A beam is a triangle spanned by two rays: one going from the origin to the
+@@ -133,4 +134,6 @@ public:
+ };
+-#endif // C4FOWBEAM
+\ No newline at end of file
++#endif // C4FOWBEAM
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWDrawStrategy.cpp b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWDrawStrategy.cpp
+index fc1fbd4..cc55c09 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWDrawStrategy.cpp
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWDrawStrategy.cpp
+@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
+ */
+ #include "C4Include.h"
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ #include "C4FoWDrawStrategy.h"
+ #include "C4FoWLight.h"
+ #include "C4FoWRegion.h"
+@@ -151,3 +154,4 @@ void C4FoWDrawWireframeStrategy::DrawLightVertex(float x, float y)
+ DrawVertex(x, y);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWDrawStrategy.h b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWDrawStrategy.h
+index feb0512..4743c11 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWDrawStrategy.h
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWDrawStrategy.h
+@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ #include "C4DrawGL.h"
+ #include <list>
+@@ -122,3 +124,5 @@ private:
+ };
+ #endif
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLight.cpp b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLight.cpp
+index 8becfea..4e35db9 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLight.cpp
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLight.cpp
+@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
+ */
+ #include "C4Include.h"
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ #include "C4FoWLight.h"
+ #include "C4FoWLightSection.h"
+ #include "C4FoWBeamTriangle.h"
+@@ -344,3 +347,5 @@ bool C4FoWLight::IsVisibleForPlayer(C4Player *player) const
+ if (!pObj || !player) return true;
+ return !::Hostile(pObj->Owner,player->Number);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLight.h b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLight.h
+index 13ad58e..52f0457 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLight.h
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLight.h
+@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
+ #ifndef C4FOWLIGHT_H
+ #define C4FOWLIGHT_H
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ #include "C4Object.h"
+ #include "C4Surface.h"
+ #include "C4FacetEx.h"
+@@ -95,4 +97,6 @@ private:
+ };
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLightSection.cpp b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLightSection.cpp
+index 0ef4d77..30009a6 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLightSection.cpp
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLightSection.cpp
+@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
+ */
+ #include "C4Include.h"
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ #include "C4FoWLightSection.h"
+ #include "C4FoWBeamTriangle.h"
+ #include "C4FoWBeam.h"
+@@ -856,3 +859,5 @@ void C4FoWLightSection::CompileFunc(StdCompiler *pComp)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLightSection.h b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLightSection.h
+index cde356a..edecd34 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLightSection.h
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWLightSection.h
+@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ #include "C4Rect.h"
+ #include <list>
+@@ -134,4 +136,6 @@ public:
+ };
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.cpp b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.cpp
+index 5e107a7..1df661e 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.cpp
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.cpp
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ #include "C4Include.h"
+ #include "C4FoWRegion.h"
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ bool glCheck() {
+ if (int err = glGetError()) {
+ LogF("GL error %d: %s", err, gluErrorString(err));
+@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ bool glCheck() {
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ C4FoWRegion::~C4FoWRegion()
+ {
+@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ C4FoWRegion::~C4FoWRegion()
+ bool C4FoWRegion::BindFramebuf()
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Flip texture
+ C4Surface *pSfc = pSurface;
+ pSurface = pBackSurface;
+@@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ bool C4FoWRegion::BindFramebuf()
+ glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Worked!
+ return true;
+@@ -86,11 +89,13 @@ bool C4FoWRegion::BindFramebuf()
+ void C4FoWRegion::Clear()
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ if (hFrameBufDraw) {
+ glDeleteFramebuffersEXT(1, &hFrameBufDraw);
+ glDeleteFramebuffersEXT(1, &hFrameBufRead);
+ }
+ hFrameBufDraw = hFrameBufRead = 0;
+ delete pSurface; pSurface = NULL;
+ delete pBackSurface; pBackSurface = NULL;
+ }
+@@ -104,6 +109,7 @@ void C4FoWRegion::Update(C4Rect r, const FLOAT_RECT& vp)
+ void C4FoWRegion::Render(const C4TargetFacet *pOnScreen)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Update FoW at interesting location
+ pFoW->Update(Region, pPlayer);
+@@ -199,7 +205,7 @@ void C4FoWRegion::Render(const C4TargetFacet *pOnScreen)
+ glCheck();
+ OldRegion = Region;
+ }
+ void C4FoWRegion::GetFragTransform(const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect, float lightTransform[6]) const
+@@ -229,7 +235,9 @@ void C4FoWRegion::GetFragTransform(const C4Rect& clipRect, const C4Rect& outRect
+ C4FoWRegion::C4FoWRegion(C4FoW *pFoW, C4Player *pPlayer)
+ : pFoW(pFoW)
+ , pPlayer(pPlayer)
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ , hFrameBufDraw(0), hFrameBufRead(0)
+ , Region(0,0,0,0), OldRegion(0,0,0,0)
+ , pSurface(NULL), pBackSurface(NULL)
+ {
+diff --git a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.h b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.h
+index 20e33a6..a264e4b 100644
+--- a/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.h
++++ b/src/landscape/fow/C4FoWRegion.h
+@@ -31,10 +31,13 @@ public:
+ private:
+ C4FoW *pFoW;
+ C4Player *pPlayer;
++ C4Surface *pSurface, *pBackSurface;
+ C4Rect Region, OldRegion;
+ FLOAT_RECT ViewportRegion; // Region covered by visible viewport
+- C4Surface *pSurface, *pBackSurface;
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ GLuint hFrameBufDraw, hFrameBufRead;
+ public:
+ const C4FoW* getFoW() const { return pFoW; }
+diff --git a/src/lib/StdMesh.cpp b/src/lib/StdMesh.cpp
+index 6c1905d..9930097 100644
+--- a/src/lib/StdMesh.cpp
++++ b/src/lib/StdMesh.cpp
+@@ -534,7 +534,11 @@ StdSubMesh::StdSubMesh() :
+ {
+ }
+-StdMesh::StdMesh() : Skeleton(new StdMeshSkeleton), vbo(0)
++StdMesh::StdMesh() :
++ Skeleton(new StdMeshSkeleton)
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
++ , vbo(0)
+ {
+ BoundingBox.x1 = BoundingBox.y1 = BoundingBox.z1 = 0.0f;
+ BoundingBox.x2 = BoundingBox.y2 = BoundingBox.z2 = 0.0f;
+@@ -543,17 +547,22 @@ StdMesh::StdMesh() : Skeleton(new StdMeshSkeleton), vbo(0)
+ StdMesh::~StdMesh()
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ if (vbo)
+ glDeleteBuffers(1, &vbo);
+ }
+ void StdMesh::PostInit()
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Order submeshes so that opaque submeshes come before non-opaque ones
+ std::sort(SubMeshes.begin(), SubMeshes.end(), StdMeshSubMeshVisibilityCmpPred());
+ UpdateVBO();
+ }
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ void StdMesh::UpdateVBO()
+ {
+ // We're only uploading vertices once, so there shouldn't be a VBO so far
+@@ -603,18 +612,21 @@ void StdMesh::UpdateVBO()
+ // Unbind the buffer so following rendering calls do not use it
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ }
+ StdSubMeshInstance::StdSubMeshInstance(StdMeshInstance& instance, const StdSubMesh& submesh, float completion):
+ base(&submesh), Material(NULL), CurrentFaceOrdering(FO_Fixed)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ LoadFacesForCompletion(instance, submesh, completion);
+ SetMaterial(submesh.GetMaterial());
+ }
+ void StdSubMeshInstance::LoadFacesForCompletion(StdMeshInstance& instance, const StdSubMesh& submesh, float completion)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // First: Copy all faces
+ Faces.resize(submesh.GetNumFaces());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < submesh.GetNumFaces(); ++i)
+@@ -637,12 +649,14 @@ void StdSubMeshInstance::LoadFacesForCompletion(StdMeshInstance& instance, const
+ assert(submesh.GetNumFaces() >= 1);
+ Faces.resize(Clamp<unsigned int>(static_cast<unsigned int>(completion * submesh.GetNumFaces() + 0.5), 1, submesh.GetNumFaces()));
+ }
+ }
+ void StdSubMeshInstance::SetMaterial(const StdMeshMaterial& material)
+ {
+ Material = &material;
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Setup initial texture animation data
+ assert(Material->BestTechniqueIndex >= 0);
+ const StdMeshMaterialTechnique& technique = Material->Techniques[Material->BestTechniqueIndex];
+@@ -664,10 +678,12 @@ void StdSubMeshInstance::SetMaterial(const StdMeshMaterial& material)
+ }
+ // TODO: Reset face ordering
+ }
+ void StdSubMeshInstance::SetFaceOrdering(const StdSubMesh& submesh, FaceOrdering ordering)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ if (CurrentFaceOrdering != ordering)
+ {
+ CurrentFaceOrdering = ordering;
+@@ -677,10 +693,12 @@ void StdSubMeshInstance::SetFaceOrdering(const StdSubMesh& submesh, FaceOrdering
+ Faces[i] = submesh.GetFace(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void StdSubMeshInstance::SetFaceOrderingForClrModulation(const StdSubMesh& submesh, uint32_t clrmod)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ bool opaque = Material->IsOpaque();
+ if(!opaque)
+@@ -689,6 +707,7 @@ void StdSubMeshInstance::SetFaceOrderingForClrModulation(const StdSubMesh& subme
+ SetFaceOrdering(submesh, FO_NearestToFarthest);
+ else
+ SetFaceOrdering(submesh, FO_Fixed);
+ }
+ void StdSubMeshInstance::CompileFunc(StdCompiler* pComp)
+@@ -1050,6 +1069,7 @@ StdMeshInstance::~StdMeshInstance()
+ void StdMeshInstance::SetFaceOrdering(FaceOrdering ordering)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Mesh->GetNumSubMeshes(); ++i)
+ SubMeshInstances[i]->SetFaceOrdering(Mesh->GetSubMesh(i), ordering);
+@@ -1058,10 +1078,12 @@ void StdMeshInstance::SetFaceOrdering(FaceOrdering ordering)
+ for (AttachedMeshIter iter = AttachChildren.begin(); iter != AttachChildren.end(); ++iter)
+ if ((*iter)->OwnChild)
+ (*iter)->Child->SetFaceOrdering(ordering);
+ }
+ void StdMeshInstance::SetFaceOrderingForClrModulation(uint32_t clrmod)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Mesh->GetNumSubMeshes(); ++i)
+ SubMeshInstances[i]->SetFaceOrderingForClrModulation(Mesh->GetSubMesh(i), clrmod);
+@@ -1070,16 +1092,19 @@ void StdMeshInstance::SetFaceOrderingForClrModulation(uint32_t clrmod)
+ for (AttachedMeshIter iter = AttachChildren.begin(); iter != AttachChildren.end(); ++iter)
+ if ((*iter)->OwnChild)
+ (*iter)->Child->SetFaceOrderingForClrModulation(clrmod);
+ }
+ void StdMeshInstance::SetCompletion(float completion)
+ {
+ Completion = completion;
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // TODO: Load all submesh faces and then determine the ones to use from the
+ // full pool.
+ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Mesh->GetNumSubMeshes(); ++i)
+ SubMeshInstances[i]->LoadFacesForCompletion(*this, Mesh->GetSubMesh(i), completion);
+ }
+ StdMeshInstance::AnimationNode* StdMeshInstance::PlayAnimation(const StdStrBuf& animation_name, int slot, AnimationNode* sibling, ValueProvider* position, ValueProvider* weight)
+@@ -1210,6 +1235,7 @@ void StdMeshInstance::ExecuteAnimation(float dt)
+ if(!ExecuteAnimationNode(AnimationStack[i-1]))
+ StopAnimation(AnimationStack[i-1]);
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Update animated textures
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SubMeshInstances.size(); ++i)
+ {
+@@ -1240,6 +1266,7 @@ void StdMeshInstance::ExecuteAnimation(float dt)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Update animation for attached meshes
+ for (AttachedMeshList::iterator iter = AttachChildren.begin(); iter != AttachChildren.end(); ++iter)
+@@ -1321,7 +1348,9 @@ void StdMeshInstance::SetMaterial(size_t i, const StdMeshMaterial& material)
+ {
+ assert(i < SubMeshInstances.size());
+ SubMeshInstances[i]->SetMaterial(material);
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ std::stable_sort(SubMeshInstancesOrdered.begin(), SubMeshInstancesOrdered.end(), StdMeshSubMeshInstanceVisibilityCmpPred());
+ }
+ const StdMeshMatrix& StdMeshInstance::GetBoneTransform(size_t i) const
+@@ -1433,6 +1462,7 @@ bool StdMeshInstance::UpdateBoneTransforms()
+ void StdMeshInstance::ReorderFaces(StdMeshMatrix* global_trans)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < SubMeshInstances.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ StdSubMeshInstance& inst = *SubMeshInstances[i];
+@@ -1450,6 +1480,7 @@ void StdMeshInstance::ReorderFaces(StdMeshMatrix* global_trans)
+ }
+ // TODO: Also reorder submeshes, attached meshes and include AttachTransformation for attached meshes...
+ }
+ void StdMeshInstance::CompileFunc(StdCompiler* pComp, AttachedMesh::DenumeratorFactoryFunc Factory)
+diff --git a/src/lib/StdMesh.h b/src/lib/StdMesh.h
+index 7007a74..a5ae5f3 100644
+--- a/src/lib/StdMesh.h
++++ b/src/lib/StdMesh.h
+@@ -197,11 +197,15 @@ public:
+ void PostInit();
+- const GLuint GetVBO() const { return vbo; }
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
++ GLuint GetVBO() const { return vbo; }
+ private:
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ GLuint vbo;
+ void UpdateVBO();
+ StdMesh(const StdMesh& other); // non-copyable
+ StdMesh& operator=(const StdMesh& other); // non-assignable
+diff --git a/src/lib/StdMeshMaterial.cpp b/src/lib/StdMeshMaterial.cpp
+index cb601a5..f1f65ce 100644
+--- a/src/lib/StdMeshMaterial.cpp
++++ b/src/lib/StdMeshMaterial.cpp
+@@ -849,7 +849,9 @@ bool StdMeshMaterialProgram::CompileShader(StdMeshMaterialLoader& loader, C4Shad
+ shader.AddVertexSlices(VertexShader->GetFilename(), VertexShader->GetCode(), VertexShader->GetFilename());
+ shader.AddFragmentSlices(FragmentShader->GetFilename(), FragmentShader->GetCode(), FragmentShader->GetFilename());
+ // Construct the list of uniforms
+- std::vector<const char*> uniformNames(C4SSU_Count + ParameterNames.size() + 1);
++ std::vector<const char*> uniformNames;
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
++ uniformNames.resize(C4SSU_Count + ParameterNames.size() + 1);
+ uniformNames[C4SSU_ClrMod] = "clrMod";
+ uniformNames[C4SSU_BaseTex] = "baseTex"; // unused
+ uniformNames[C4SSU_OverlayTex] = "overlayTex"; // unused
+@@ -864,25 +866,31 @@ bool StdMeshMaterialProgram::CompileShader(StdMeshMaterialLoader& loader, C4Shad
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ParameterNames.size(); ++i)
+ uniformNames[C4SSU_Count + i] = ParameterNames[i].getData();
+ uniformNames[C4SSU_Count + ParameterNames.size()] = NULL;
+ // Compile the shader
+ StdCopyStrBuf name(Name);
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ if (ssc != 0) name.Append(":");
+ if (ssc & C4SSC_LIGHT) name.Append("Light");
+ if (ssc & C4SSC_MOD2) name.Append("Mod2");
+ return shader.Init(name.getData(), &uniformNames[0]);
+ }
+ bool StdMeshMaterialProgram::Compile(StdMeshMaterialLoader& loader)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ if (!CompileShader(loader, Shader, 0)) return false;
+ if (!CompileShader(loader, ShaderMod2, C4SSC_MOD2)) return false;
+ if (!CompileShader(loader, ShaderLight, C4SSC_LIGHT)) return false;
+ if (!CompileShader(loader, ShaderLightMod2, C4SSC_LIGHT | C4SSC_MOD2)) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ const C4Shader* StdMeshMaterialProgram::GetShader(int ssc) const
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ const C4Shader* shaders[4] = {
+ &Shader,
+ &ShaderMod2,
+@@ -896,13 +904,20 @@ const C4Shader* StdMeshMaterialProgram::GetShader(int ssc) const
+ assert(index < 4);
+ return shaders[index];
++ return NULL;
+ }
+ int StdMeshMaterialProgram::GetParameterIndex(const char* name) const
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ std::vector<StdCopyStrBuf>::const_iterator iter = std::find(ParameterNames.begin(), ParameterNames.end(), name);
+ if(iter == ParameterNames.end()) return -1;
+ return C4SSU_Count + std::distance(ParameterNames.begin(), iter);
++ return -1;
+ }
+ double StdMeshMaterialTextureUnit::Transformation::GetWaveXForm(double t) const
+@@ -1515,12 +1530,14 @@ void StdMeshMatManager::Parse(const char* mat_script, const char* filename, StdM
+ Materials[material_name] = mat;
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // To Gfxspecific setup of the material; choose working techniques
+ if (!pDraw->PrepareMaterial(*this, loader, Materials[material_name]))
+ {
+ Materials.erase(material_name);
+ ctx.Error(StdCopyStrBuf("No working technique for material '") + material_name + "'");
+ }
+ }
+ else if (token_name == "vertex_program")
+ {
+diff --git a/src/object/C4Def.cpp b/src/object/C4Def.cpp
+index 5d8442e..81a0e36 100644
+--- a/src/object/C4Def.cpp
++++ b/src/object/C4Def.cpp
+@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ public:
+ virtual void AddShaderSlices(C4Shader& shader, int ssc)
+ {
++#ifndef USE_CONSOLE
+ // Add mesh-independent slices
+ shader.AddFragmentSlice(-1, "#define OPENCLONK");
+ shader.AddVertexSlice(-1, "#define OPENCLONK");
+@@ -80,6 +81,7 @@ public:
+ if (ssc & C4SSC_BASE) shader.LoadSlices(&::GraphicsResource.Files, "SpriteTextureShader.glsl");
+ if (ssc & C4SSC_OVERLAY) shader.LoadSlices(&::GraphicsResource.Files, "SpriteOverlayShader.glsl");
+ }
+ private:
diff --git a/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-jpeg9.patch b/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-jpeg9.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..161258604e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-jpeg9.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- src/graphics/C4SurfaceLoaders.cpp.old 2015-01-02 18:01:35.768676874 +0100
++++ src/graphics/C4SurfaceLoaders.cpp 2015-01-02 18:02:17.705896683 +0100
+@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
+ // The doc says to give fake end-of-inputs if there is no more data
+ cinfo->src->next_input_byte = &end_of_input;
+ cinfo->src->bytes_in_buffer = 1;
+- return true;
++ return (boolean)true;
+ }
+ static void skip_input_data (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes)
+ {
+@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
+ blub.term_source = jpeg_noop;
+ // a missing image is an error
+- jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, true);
++ jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, (boolean)true);
+ // Let libjpeg convert for us
+ cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
diff --git a/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-paths.patch b/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-paths.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f95a9a5982cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-paths.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Updated for openclonk-6.0, based on this patch:
+ From: Julian Ospald <>
+ Date: Thu Feb 6 19:58:45 UTC 2014
+ Subject: make paths modifiable
+diff -Naur openclonk-release-6.0-src.orig/CMakeLists.txt openclonk-release-6.0-src/CMakeLists.txt
+--- openclonk-release-6.0-src.orig/CMakeLists.txt 2015-03-12 21:21:51.000000000 +0000
++++ openclonk-release-6.0-src/CMakeLists.txt 2015-04-25 08:07:16.000000000 +0000
+@@ -42,6 +42,16 @@
+ set(${_var} "${_string}" PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endfunction()
++# User selectable paths
++set(INSTALL_BINDIR "bin/" CACHE PATH "Binary install destination")
++set(INSTALL_GAMES_BINDIR "games/bin" CACHE PATH "Games binary install destination")
++set(INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR "share/" CACHE PATH "Data root install destination")
++set(INSTALL_DATADIR "${INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}" CACHE PATH "Data install destination")
+ ############################################################################
+ # User selectable options
+ ############################################################################
+@@ -1212,10 +1222,16 @@
+ # Assemble compiler flags
+ ############################################################################
+ if(UNIX)
++ else()
++ endif()
+ # Don't put this into CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS because otherwise it is cached,
+ # and when the path is changed both the old and new definition appears
+ # in the list of flags.
+- add_definitions("-DOC_SYSTEM_DATA_DIR=\"${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/games/openclonk\"")
++ add_definitions("-DOC_SYSTEM_DATA_DIR=\"${ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/openclonk\"")
+ endif()
+@@ -1537,7 +1553,7 @@
+ DEPENDS "${native_c4group}"
+ )
+- install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${group} DESTINATION share/games/openclonk)
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+@@ -1546,13 +1562,13 @@
+ add_dependencies(data groups)
+ # Install new files
+- install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/openclonk.desktop DESTINATION share/applications)
++ install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/openclonk.desktop DESTINATION "${INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/applications")
+ # Update the MIME cache -- this makes the clonk:// protocol handler actually work
+ install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND update-desktop-database)")
+ # Install binaries
+- install(TARGETS openclonk DESTINATION games)
+- install(TARGETS c4group DESTINATION bin)
+ else()
+ install(TARGETS openclonk
diff --git a/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-postinst.patch b/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-postinst.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d957e5cd929b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-action/openclonk/files/openclonk-6.1-postinst.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+update-desktop-database is called from the pkg_postinst stage instead.
+diff -Naur openclonk-release-6.0-src.orig/CMakeLists.txt openclonk-release-6.0-src/CMakeLists.txt
+--- openclonk-release-6.0-src.orig/CMakeLists.txt 2015-04-25 08:22:16.000000000 +0000
++++ openclonk-release-6.0-src/CMakeLists.txt 2015-04-25 09:50:16.000000000 +0000
+@@ -1564,7 +1564,8 @@
+ # Install new files
+ install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/openclonk.desktop DESTINATION "${INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR}/applications")
+ # Update the MIME cache -- this makes the clonk:// protocol handler actually work
+- install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND update-desktop-database)")
++ # --> ebuild, pkg_postinst stage
++ #install(CODE "execute_process(COMMAND update-desktop-database)")
+ # Install binaries
diff --git a/games-action/openclonk/openclonk-6.1.ebuild b/games-action/openclonk/openclonk-6.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..39cba650e8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-action/openclonk/openclonk-6.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-action/openclonk/openclonk-6.0.ebuild,v 1.0 2015/04/25 06:01:16 nico Exp $
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
+inherit cmake-utils eutils gnome2-utils python-any-r1 fdo-mime games
+DESCRIPTION="A free multiplayer action game where you control clonks"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="dedicated doc"
+ >=dev-libs/boost-1.40:=
+ dev-libs/tinyxml
+ net-libs/libupnp
+ media-libs/libpng:0=
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ !dedicated? (
+ dev-libs/glib:2
+ media-libs/freealut
+ media-libs/freetype:2
+ media-libs/glew
+ media-libs/libsdl[X,opengl,sound,video]
+ media-libs/libvorbis
+ media-libs/openal
+ media-libs/sdl-mixer[mp3,vorbis,wav]
+ virtual/jpeg
+ virtual/opengl
+ virtual/glu
+ x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf
+ x11-libs/gtk+:3
+ x11-libs/libXrandr
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ )
+ dedicated? ( sys-libs/readline:0= )"
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ doc? (
+ dev-libs/libxml2[python]
+ sys-devel/gettext
+ )"
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-paths.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-jpeg9.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-postinst.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-dedicated.patch
+pkg_setup() {
+ games_pkg_setup
+ use doc && python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ cmake-utils_src_prepare
+src_configure() {
+ local mycmakeargs=(
+ $(usex dedicated \
+ )
+ cmake-utils_src_configure
+src_compile() {
+ cmake-utils_src_compile
+ use doc && emake -C docs
+src_install() {
+ cmake-utils_src_install
+ if ! use dedicated; then
+ mv "${ED%/}${GAMES_BINDIR}/"{openclonk,clonk} || die
+ newgamesbin "${FILESDIR}"/${PN} ${PN}
+ fi
+ use doc && dohtml -r docs/online/*
+ prepgamesdirs
+pkg_preinst() {
+ games_pkg_preinst
+ gnome2_icon_savelist
+pkg_postinst() {
+ games_pkg_postinst
+ gnome2_icon_cache_update
+ fdo-mime_desktop_database_update
+pkg_postrm() {
+ gnome2_icon_cache_update
+ fdo-mime_desktop_database_update