diff options
authorMatt Turner <>2024-03-14 12:44:35 -0400
committerMatt Turner <>2024-03-15 10:57:16 -0400
commitfa4e1c7d801e581efc2e56b4eb20b3b3328a7d2c (patch)
tree4c9110ddb67ce1e3396b5a8d7a725cd2b0d249c6 /www-apache/mod_perl
parentvirtual/perl-XSLoader: Drop old versions (diff)
www-apache/mod_perl: Drop old versions
Signed-off-by: Matt Turner <>
Diffstat (limited to 'www-apache/mod_perl')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 353 deletions
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_perl/Manifest b/www-apache/mod_perl/Manifest
index 611f1d0b35c3..494913bd57b1 100644
--- a/www-apache/mod_perl/Manifest
+++ b/www-apache/mod_perl/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
-DIST mod_perl-2.0.11.tar.gz 3848147 BLAKE2B 8eeef6d1fadbf9d2e3bcff33c5114e588f032c2497f5191b1edd30da8bce72eadf5ea62482ec8ece7d7fde308c8c41d6682d1a325760c627bee75c3ce8cf6272 SHA512 f232b215ccb9217f69ccced8a037470e5975900b9a6fcc5a2e4674e6559d21f026547c1b97c48109352043946dc22539dd38004759be16ad5cfcb3a96973dfdf
-DIST mod_perl-2.0.12.tar.gz 3848030 BLAKE2B fe4e57d76f7e7a79f171a96d2bab65743eeae45528c0bc3a8bc8ef6d91bb875d3857799f7d65cbf590994c30699a8646dbc905d76551fb97151d0827222a9ba2 SHA512 890dca0950847e32180485cabbeffbf236af2c92c7df957a233c210022b5172957eddb1db3e9281b87cd438d2fa404a05ae99c7eda098267c68d5e9262b400b0
DIST mod_perl-2.0.13.tar.gz 3848487 BLAKE2B 8fb640f6815dac7a93ceeca21c63d4c5d5f14c81d061b0fbfe5831afcb8682df509c367f113a7b1396fdd25ccebd66cf708f99b5e69c8393add0f7969c102249 SHA512 453c789743487e2d1167d005f21ef9780f36488db8830103e4ea0a0656f685bf5ec423cd1baa68ee30efc75d9e2b845c9656458203b9f48de81a315a91d587c9
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.11-perl534.patch b/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.11-perl534.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 77db5f65263d..000000000000
--- a/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.11-perl534.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Fix build for perl >= 5.33.7
-Patch by Leon Timmermans <> from
---- a/src/modules/perl/modperl_perl.c
-+++ b/src/modules/perl/modperl_perl.c
-@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
- if (MP_init_hash_seed_set) {
- #if MP_PERL_VERSION_AT_LEAST(5, 17, 6)
-- memcpy(&PL_hash_seed, &MP_init_hash_seed,
-+ memcpy(PL_hash_seed, &MP_init_hash_seed,
- sizeof(PL_hash_seed) > sizeof(MP_init_hash_seed) ?
- sizeof(MP_init_hash_seed) : sizeof(PL_hash_seed));
- PL_hash_seed_set = MP_init_hash_seed_set;
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.12-avoid-pch.patch b/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.12-avoid-pch.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 989d472831f7..000000000000
--- a/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.12-avoid-pch.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Avoid sandbox denial while attempting to generate PCH:
-F: fopen_wr
-S: deny
-P: /usr/include/apr-1/apr.h.gch
-A: /usr/include/apr-1/apr.h.gch
-R: /usr/include/apr-1/apr.h.gch
-C: /usr/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/13/cc1 -quiet /usr/include/apr-1/apr.h -quiet -dM -dumpdir a- -dumpbase apr.h -dumpbase-ext .h -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -o /tmp/ccfl5N0L.s --output-pch /usr/include/apr-1/apr.h.gch
-Sent upstream by email on 2023-07-05.
---- a/lib/Apache2/
-+++ b/lib/Apache2/
-@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ sub get_apr_config {
- };
- }
- else {
-- my @command = ($self->perl_config('cpp'), '-dM', $header);
-+ my @command = ($self->perl_config('cpp'), '-E', '-dM', $header);
- open $fh, '-|', @command or do {
- error "Unable to preprocess $header with @command: $!";
- return undef;
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.12-perl538.patch b/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.12-perl538.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3932dffe4a68..000000000000
--- a/www-apache/mod_perl/files/mod_perl-2.0.12-perl538.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From 991cfeca9bac185f191510e0064f174d45718e6a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Steve Hay <>
-Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 08:38:15 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Stop using do_open9() - this deprecated function was removed
- in 5.37.1
-Patch by Jitka Plesnikova <> from
-git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
---- a/src/modules/perl/modperl_io.c
-+++ b/src/modules/perl/modperl_io.c
-@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ modperl_io_perlio_override_stdhandle(pTHX_ request_rec *r, int mode)
- save_gp(handle, 1);
- sv_setref_pv(sv, "Apache2::RequestRec", (void*)r);
-- status = do_open9(handle, mode == O_RDONLY ? "<:Apache2" : ">:Apache2",
-- 9, FALSE, mode, 0, (PerlIO *)NULL, sv, 1);
-+ status = do_openn(handle, mode == O_RDONLY ? "<:Apache2" : ">:Apache2",
-+ 9, FALSE, mode, 0, (PerlIO *)NULL, &sv, 1);
- if (status == 0) {
- Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Failed to open STD%s: %" SVf,
- mode == O_RDONLY ? "IN" : "OUT", get_sv("!", TRUE));
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.11-r1.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.11-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 374329841fba..000000000000
--- a/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.11-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit depend.apache apache-module perl-module
-DESCRIPTION="An embedded Perl interpreter for Apache2"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm ppc ppc64 ~riscv x86"
-IUSE="debug ithreads test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-# Apache::Reload, Apache::SizeLimit, and Apache::Test are force-unbundled.
-# The minimum versions requested here are the bundled versions.
-# The test dependencies are from CPAN (Bundle::Apache2).
-# When all MPMs are disabled via useflags, the apache ebuild selects a
-# default one, which will likely need threading.
- dev-lang/perl[ithreads=]
- >=dev-perl/Apache-Test-1.420.0
- >=www-servers/apache-2.0.47
- >=dev-libs/apr-util-1.4
- !ithreads? ( www-servers/apache[-apache2_mpms_event,-apache2_mpms_worker,apache2_mpms_prefork] )
- dev-perl/Module-Build
- test? (
- >=dev-perl/CGI-3.110.0
- dev-perl/Chatbot-Eliza
- dev-perl/Devel-Symdump
- dev-perl/HTML-Parser
- dev-perl/IPC-Run3
- dev-perl/libwww-perl
- www-servers/apache[apache2_modules_version,-apache2_modules_unique_id]
- !www-apache/mpm_itk
- )
- >=dev-perl/Apache-Reload-0.130.0
- >=dev-perl/Apache-SizeLimit-0.970.0
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}"-2.0.1-sneak-tmpdir.patch # seems to fix the make test problem
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}"-2.0.4-inline.patch # 550244
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}"-2.0.10_rc1-bundled-Apache-Test.patch # 352724
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}"-2.0.10_rc1-Gentoo-not-Unix.patch
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}"-2.0.11-ranlib.patch # 728554
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}"-2.0.11-perl534.patch # 791403
-src_prepare() {
- perl-module_src_prepare
- # chainsaw unbundling
- rm -rf Apache-{Test,Reload,SizeLimit}/ lib/Bundle/ || die
-src_configure() {
- _init_apache2_late
- local debug=$(usex debug 1 0)
- local nothreads=$(usex ithreads 0 1)
- myconf=(
- MP_APR_CONFIG=/usr/bin/apr-1-config
- MP_TRACE=${debug}
- MP_DEBUG=${debug}
- MP_NO_THREADS=${nothreads}
- )
- perl-module_src_configure
-src_test() {
- # make test notes whether it is running as root, and drops
- # privileges all the way to "nobody" if so, so we must adjust
- # write permissions accordingly in this case.
- # IF YOU SUDO TO EMERGE AND HAVE !env_reset set testing will fail!
- if [[ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]]; then
- chown nobody:nobody "${WORKDIR}" "${T}" || die
- fi
- # We force verbose tests for now to get meaningful bug reports.
- MAKEOPTS+=" -j1"
- TMPDIR="${T}" HOME="${T}/" TEST_VERBOSE=1 LC_TIME=C perl-module_src_test
-src_install() {
- apache-module_src_install
- default
- perl_delete_localpod
- perl_fix_packlist
- perl_delete_emptybsdir
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/2.0.3/
- # this is an attempt to get @INC in line with /usr/bin/perl.
- # there is blib garbage in the mainstream one that can only be
- # useful during internal testing, so we wait until here and then
- # just go with a clean slate. should be much easier to see what's
- # happening and revert if problematic.
- perl_set_version
- sed -i \
- -e "s,-I${S}/[^[:space:]\"\']\+[[:space:]]\?,,g" \
- -e "s,-typemap[[:space:]]${S}/[^[:space:]\"\']\+[[:space:]]\?,,g" \
- -e "s,${S}\(/[^[:space:]\"\']\+\)\?,/,g" \
- "${D}/${VENDOR_ARCH}/Apache2/" || die
- local fname
- for fname in $(find "${D}" -type f -not -name '*.so'); do
- grep -q "\(${D}\|${S}\)" "${fname}" && ewarn "QA: File contains a temporary path ${fname}"
- sed -i -e "s:\(${D}\|${S}\):/:g" ${fname} || die
- done
- perl_remove_temppath
-pkg_postinst() {
- apache-module_pkg_postinst
diff --git a/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.12.ebuild b/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.12.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ebaf1e19813..000000000000
--- a/www-apache/mod_perl/mod_perl-2.0.12.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit depend.apache apache-module perl-module
-DESCRIPTION="An embedded Perl interpreter for Apache2"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm ppc ppc64 ~riscv x86"
-IUSE="debug ithreads test"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-# Apache::Reload, Apache::SizeLimit, and Apache::Test are force-unbundled.
-# The minimum versions requested here are the bundled versions.
-# The test dependencies are from CPAN (Bundle::Apache2).
-# When all MPMs are disabled via useflags, the apache ebuild selects a
-# default one, which will likely need threading.
- dev-lang/perl[ithreads=]
- >=dev-perl/Apache-Test-1.420.0
- >=www-servers/apache-2.0.47
- >=dev-libs/apr-util-1.4
- !ithreads? ( www-servers/apache[-apache2_mpms_event,-apache2_mpms_worker,apache2_mpms_prefork] )
- dev-perl/Module-Build
- test? (
- >=dev-perl/CGI-3.110.0
- dev-perl/Chatbot-Eliza
- dev-perl/Devel-Symdump
- dev-perl/HTML-Parser
- dev-perl/IPC-Run3
- dev-perl/libwww-perl
- www-servers/apache[apache2_modules_version,-apache2_modules_unique_id]
- !www-apache/mpm_itk
- )
- >=dev-perl/Apache-Reload-0.130.0
- >=dev-perl/Apache-SizeLimit-0.970.0
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.1-sneak-tmpdir.patch # seems to fix the make test problem
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.4-inline.patch # 550244
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.10_rc1-bundled-Apache-Test.patch # 352724
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.10_rc1-Gentoo-not-Unix.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.11-ranlib.patch # 728554
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.12-perl538.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.12-avoid-pch.patch
-src_prepare() {
- perl-module_src_prepare
- # chainsaw unbundling
- rm -rf Apache-{Test,Reload,SizeLimit}/ lib/Bundle/ || die
-src_configure() {
- _init_apache2_late
- local debug=$(usex debug 1 0)
- local nothreads=$(usex ithreads 0 1)
- myconf=(
- MP_APR_CONFIG=/usr/bin/apr-1-config
- MP_TRACE=${debug}
- MP_DEBUG=${debug}
- MP_NO_THREADS=${nothreads}
- )
- perl-module_src_configure
-src_test() {
- # make test notes whether it is running as root, and drops
- # privileges all the way to "nobody" if so, so we must adjust
- # write permissions accordingly in this case.
- # IF YOU SUDO TO EMERGE AND HAVE !env_reset set testing will fail!
- if [[ "$(id -u)" == "0" ]]; then
- chown nobody:nobody "${WORKDIR}" "${T}" || die
- fi
- # We force verbose tests for now to get meaningful bug reports.
- MAKEOPTS+=" -j1"
- TMPDIR="${T}" HOME="${T}/" TEST_VERBOSE=1 LC_TIME=C perl-module_src_test
-src_install() {
- apache-module_src_install
- default
- perl_delete_localpod
- perl_fix_packlist
- perl_delete_emptybsdir
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/2.0.3/
- # this is an attempt to get @INC in line with /usr/bin/perl.
- # there is blib garbage in the mainstream one that can only be
- # useful during internal testing, so we wait until here and then
- # just go with a clean slate. should be much easier to see what's
- # happening and revert if problematic.
- perl_set_version
- sed -i \
- -e "s,-I${S}/[^[:space:]\"\']\+[[:space:]]\?,,g" \
- -e "s,-typemap[[:space:]]${S}/[^[:space:]\"\']\+[[:space:]]\?,,g" \
- -e "s,${S}\(/[^[:space:]\"\']\+\)\?,/,g" \
- "${D}/${VENDOR_ARCH}/Apache2/" || die
- local fname
- for fname in $(find "${D}" -type f -not -name '*.so'); do
- grep -q "\(${D}\|${S}\)" "${fname}" && ewarn "QA: File contains a temporary path ${fname}"
- sed -i -e "s:\(${D}\|${S}\):/:g" ${fname} || die
- done
- perl_remove_temppath
-pkg_postinst() {
- apache-module_pkg_postinst