diff options
-rw-r--r--net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.6.ebuild (renamed from net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.2-r1.ebuild)0
4 files changed, 1 insertions, 357 deletions
diff --git a/net-proxy/haproxy/Manifest b/net-proxy/haproxy/Manifest
index 63c9c0e16f95..2c8928b326b1 100644
--- a/net-proxy/haproxy/Manifest
+++ b/net-proxy/haproxy/Manifest
@@ -8,6 +8,4 @@ DIST haproxy-2.4.18.tar.gz 3626923 BLAKE2B 1ec312a5607634f7906cfcf5d4e22d829bdca
DIST haproxy-2.5.4.tar.gz 3819082 BLAKE2B fabc62ebaa968a11a49a6dd131198af31a49adbe73bcae82124ca752c2c90c1d77346621c9d804a10bca8ff254580aa7fbaca774f9df1a6a99ec112375d84a50 SHA512 95eb1ad9121a93cc77f0dd14e0080e18935cd45dc7dc511ab6dd0ecbdbb967bbde5eaa83f70157086796603560b979689f7d50b0cfba93d0245544c3a8c28a87
DIST haproxy-2.5.7.tar.gz 3832801 BLAKE2B 6d54135b56f84129dea497ddc935fecf593abccfb21fc647c7d166f9c1aa4abc670c66bf13e0923e353627d83d47345f632ae8212672c3b3da7a757fd5d24d7c SHA512 cf6994508d559401a84e1304c2b6829952a9b3a14365d03436da42ec7e4553c201ffde9e524044dfa48813e8e614d24095a87b0fae7d9145ce5e66b953666ee9
DIST haproxy-2.5.8.tar.gz 3838130 BLAKE2B fd02c285682815fd1837190b80184e110bb6a37b99dfa30e6cece628e62af6a5a145d97f5849e64364a286593d0ea206506c0b474485b22018a816b899744710 SHA512 99a49556864b178c024e73e5bd45051a7a6e512bbb52906ba6f3888e22a83e2b91198ed1c6a3bcbbc44c474a9ba6a6373fae4216fac8ecdb5d724f281b00fd68
-DIST haproxy-2.6.2.tar.gz 3978933 BLAKE2B 8d080b175f574718fac6c58b9681a50d40d8ea4a562a05466668ee9ebe95c065aaa3eab33115c69cca356207f91927c2b949c0ec7d354fdad413ae91a41e60cd SHA512 8eef882145ce8da409d2fbd6fa5b7d383b9d52f8147ef697d61c512c07a8aa8029ae742b5682af5fe736c34398a5265ce9dc189e938f47395cf9e775471b5f55
-DIST haproxy-2.6.4.tar.gz 3986583 BLAKE2B e4eb9c576aa1405bd07359488d4defaa765d7e802a62278f784de8fbf4fbca67da6cd4690917534c7a7e1e9979c727cbfc021f1a5676dec3f47b8f295d61a5d3 SHA512 f6e20e164ef3d6e81a85c272806ddae94c1d1cbd800dfeeaee3818ed7987ee6e59797c235c53efc51905da707d238026fbcb0a44f0de29e76f4eac7beeb8d035
-DIST haproxy-2.6.5.tar.gz 4010014 BLAKE2B 310556ace0fc54537e7cd91f7055c46f172355ca6eb9bde92f2fac6bf3d0c6ee60036e5744f67421b6d910f5719d4b6ae91e0737d95312d2dfef1760f2c354dd SHA512 b285345be866b25a645b8d417cac0f9b2c9ed473cd327a621f549e77cbf0600a94e39868bb83d24a5c2ac49fe94990e37030bf3ad6f5874fb6b150f16a701731
+DIST haproxy-2.6.6.tar.gz 4015438 BLAKE2B 36e676e011e290cc16ed4d116426639e9c11dcc6383fbcc82da8c9df87f19dde55a420167d926a510f6ca06cedec5588abb1ee1dd78881e3ecafbe428ea247c7 SHA512 0b416d200e9b406a96896d3570483d24e94fdfa3f781bee663476e218a57851aefdf8768f00c8a2e9df1bb028f6398690f07da452f59656327967685787ee5c2
diff --git a/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.4.ebuild b/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e17e38ddf96..000000000000
--- a/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-LUA_COMPAT=( lua5-4 lua5-3 )
-[[ ${PV} == *9999 ]] && SCM="git-r3"
-inherit toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic lua-single systemd linux-info ${SCM}
-DESCRIPTION="A TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments"
-if [[ ${PV} != *9999 ]]; then
- SRC_URI="$(ver_cut 1-2)/src/${MY_P}.tar.gz"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~x86"
-elif [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
- EGIT_BRANCH=master
- EGIT_REPO_URI="$(ver_cut 1-2).git/"
- EGIT_BRANCH=master
-SLOT="0/$(ver_cut 1-2)"
-IUSE="+crypt doc examples +slz +net_ns +pcre pcre-jit prometheus-exporter
-ssl systemd +threads tools vim-syntax zlib lua 51degrees wurfl"
-REQUIRED_USE="pcre-jit? ( pcre )
- lua? ( ${LUA_REQUIRED_USE} )
- ?? ( slz zlib )"
- crypt? ( virtual/libcrypt:= )
- pcre? (
- dev-libs/libpcre2:=
- pcre-jit? ( dev-libs/libpcre2:=[jit] )
- )
- ssl? (
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
- lua? ( ${LUA_DEPS} )"
- acct-group/haproxy
- acct-user/haproxy"
-EXTRAS=( admin/halog admin/iprange dev/tcploop dev/hpack )
-haproxy_use() {
- (( $# != 2 )) && die "${FUNCNAME} <USE flag> <make option>"
- usex "${1}" "USE_${2}=1" "USE_${2}="
-pkg_setup() {
- use lua && lua-single_pkg_setup
- if use net_ns; then
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_compile() {
- local -a args=(
- V=1
- TARGET=linux-glibc
- # Switching to PCRE2 by default, bug 838013
- )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use threads THREAD) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use crypt LIBCRYPT) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use net_ns NS) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use pcre PCRE2) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use pcre-jit PCRE2_JIT) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use ssl OPENSSL) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use slz SLZ) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use zlib ZLIB) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use lua LUA) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use 51degrees 51DEGREES) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use wurfl WURFL) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use systemd SYSTEMD) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use prometheus-exporter PROMEX) )
- # Bug #668002
- if use ppc || use arm || use hppa; then
- fi
- # HAProxy really needs some of those "SPEC_CFLAGS", like -fno-strict-aliasing
- emake -C admin/systemd CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} \$(SPEC_CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" CC="$(tc-getCC)" EXTRA_OBJS="${EXTRA_OBJS}" TARGET_LDFLAGS="${TARGET_LDFLAGS}" PCRE_LIB="${ESYSROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir) SBINDIR=/usr/sbin
- if use tools ; then
- for extra in ${EXTRAS[@]} ; do
- if [ "${extra}" = "admin/halog" ]; then
- emake CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} \$(SPEC_CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" CC="$(tc-getCC)" EXTRA_OBJS="${EXTRA_OBJS}" TARGET_LDFLAGS="${TARGET_LDFLAGS}" PCRE_LIB="${ESYSROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir) ${args[@]} admin/halog/halog
- elif [ "${extra}" = "dev/hpack" ]; then
- emake CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} \$(SPEC_CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" CC="$(tc-getCC)" EXTRA_OBJS="${EXTRA_OBJS}" TARGET_LDFLAGS="${TARGET_LDFLAGS}" PCRE_LIB="${ESYSROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir) ${args[@]} dev/hpack/{decode,gen-enc,gen-rht}
- else
- # Those two includes are a workaround for hpack Makefile missing those
- emake -C ${extra} \
- CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I../../include/ -I../../ebtree/" OPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" CC="$(tc-getCC)" ${args[@]}
- fi
- done
- fi
-src_install() {
- dosbin haproxy
- dosym ../sbin/haproxy /usr/bin/haproxy
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-r1" ${PN}
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd-r8" ${PN}
- doman doc/haproxy.1
- systemd_dounit admin/systemd/haproxy.service
- einstalldocs
- # The errorfiles are used by upstream defaults.
- insinto /etc/haproxy/errors/
- doins examples/errorfiles/*
- if use doc; then
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- #if use lua; then
- # TODO: doc/lua-api/
- #fi
- fi
- if use tools ; then
- has admin/halog "${EXTRAS[@]}" && dobin admin/halog/halog
- has admin/iprange "${EXTRAS[@]}" && { newbin admin/iprange/iprange haproxy_iprange; newbin admin/iprange/ip6range haproxy_ip6range; }
- has dev/tcploop "${EXTRAS[@]}" && newbin dev/tcploop/tcploop haproxy_tcploop
- has dev/hpack "${EXTRAS[@]}" && {
- newbin dev/hpack/gen-rht haproxy_gen-rht
- newbin dev/hpack/gen-enc haproxy_gen-enc
- newbin dev/hpack/decode haproxy_decode
- }
- fi
- if use examples ; then
- docinto examples
- dodoc examples/*.cfg
- dodoc doc/seamless_reload.txt
- fi
- if use vim-syntax ; then
- insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax
- doins admin/syntax-highlight/haproxy.vim
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ! -f "${EROOT}/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg" ]] ; then
- ewarn "You need to create /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg before you start the haproxy service."
- ewarn "It's best practice to not run haproxy as root, user and group haproxy was therefore created."
- ewarn "Make use of them with the \"user\" and \"group\" directives."
- if [[ -d "${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" ]]; then
- einfo "Please consult the installed documentation for learning the configuration file's syntax."
- einfo "The documentation and sample configuration files are installed here:"
- einfo " ${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.5.ebuild b/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.5.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e17e38ddf96..000000000000
--- a/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.5.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-LUA_COMPAT=( lua5-4 lua5-3 )
-[[ ${PV} == *9999 ]] && SCM="git-r3"
-inherit toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic lua-single systemd linux-info ${SCM}
-DESCRIPTION="A TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments"
-if [[ ${PV} != *9999 ]]; then
- SRC_URI="$(ver_cut 1-2)/src/${MY_P}.tar.gz"
- KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~x86"
-elif [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]]; then
- EGIT_BRANCH=master
- EGIT_REPO_URI="$(ver_cut 1-2).git/"
- EGIT_BRANCH=master
-SLOT="0/$(ver_cut 1-2)"
-IUSE="+crypt doc examples +slz +net_ns +pcre pcre-jit prometheus-exporter
-ssl systemd +threads tools vim-syntax zlib lua 51degrees wurfl"
-REQUIRED_USE="pcre-jit? ( pcre )
- lua? ( ${LUA_REQUIRED_USE} )
- ?? ( slz zlib )"
- crypt? ( virtual/libcrypt:= )
- pcre? (
- dev-libs/libpcre2:=
- pcre-jit? ( dev-libs/libpcre2:=[jit] )
- )
- ssl? (
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
- lua? ( ${LUA_DEPS} )"
- acct-group/haproxy
- acct-user/haproxy"
-EXTRAS=( admin/halog admin/iprange dev/tcploop dev/hpack )
-haproxy_use() {
- (( $# != 2 )) && die "${FUNCNAME} <USE flag> <make option>"
- usex "${1}" "USE_${2}=1" "USE_${2}="
-pkg_setup() {
- use lua && lua-single_pkg_setup
- if use net_ns; then
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_compile() {
- local -a args=(
- V=1
- TARGET=linux-glibc
- # Switching to PCRE2 by default, bug 838013
- )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use threads THREAD) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use crypt LIBCRYPT) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use net_ns NS) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use pcre PCRE2) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use pcre-jit PCRE2_JIT) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use ssl OPENSSL) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use slz SLZ) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use zlib ZLIB) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use lua LUA) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use 51degrees 51DEGREES) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use wurfl WURFL) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use systemd SYSTEMD) )
- args+=( $(haproxy_use prometheus-exporter PROMEX) )
- # Bug #668002
- if use ppc || use arm || use hppa; then
- fi
- # HAProxy really needs some of those "SPEC_CFLAGS", like -fno-strict-aliasing
- emake -C admin/systemd CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} \$(SPEC_CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" CC="$(tc-getCC)" EXTRA_OBJS="${EXTRA_OBJS}" TARGET_LDFLAGS="${TARGET_LDFLAGS}" PCRE_LIB="${ESYSROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir) SBINDIR=/usr/sbin
- if use tools ; then
- for extra in ${EXTRAS[@]} ; do
- if [ "${extra}" = "admin/halog" ]; then
- emake CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} \$(SPEC_CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" CC="$(tc-getCC)" EXTRA_OBJS="${EXTRA_OBJS}" TARGET_LDFLAGS="${TARGET_LDFLAGS}" PCRE_LIB="${ESYSROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir) ${args[@]} admin/halog/halog
- elif [ "${extra}" = "dev/hpack" ]; then
- emake CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} \$(SPEC_CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" CC="$(tc-getCC)" EXTRA_OBJS="${EXTRA_OBJS}" TARGET_LDFLAGS="${TARGET_LDFLAGS}" PCRE_LIB="${ESYSROOT}"/usr/$(get_libdir) ${args[@]} dev/hpack/{decode,gen-enc,gen-rht}
- else
- # Those two includes are a workaround for hpack Makefile missing those
- emake -C ${extra} \
- CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I../../include/ -I../../ebtree/" OPTIMIZE="${CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" CC="$(tc-getCC)" ${args[@]}
- fi
- done
- fi
-src_install() {
- dosbin haproxy
- dosym ../sbin/haproxy /usr/bin/haproxy
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd-r1" ${PN}
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd-r8" ${PN}
- doman doc/haproxy.1
- systemd_dounit admin/systemd/haproxy.service
- einstalldocs
- # The errorfiles are used by upstream defaults.
- insinto /etc/haproxy/errors/
- doins examples/errorfiles/*
- if use doc; then
- dodoc doc/*.txt
- #if use lua; then
- # TODO: doc/lua-api/
- #fi
- fi
- if use tools ; then
- has admin/halog "${EXTRAS[@]}" && dobin admin/halog/halog
- has admin/iprange "${EXTRAS[@]}" && { newbin admin/iprange/iprange haproxy_iprange; newbin admin/iprange/ip6range haproxy_ip6range; }
- has dev/tcploop "${EXTRAS[@]}" && newbin dev/tcploop/tcploop haproxy_tcploop
- has dev/hpack "${EXTRAS[@]}" && {
- newbin dev/hpack/gen-rht haproxy_gen-rht
- newbin dev/hpack/gen-enc haproxy_gen-enc
- newbin dev/hpack/decode haproxy_decode
- }
- fi
- if use examples ; then
- docinto examples
- dodoc examples/*.cfg
- dodoc doc/seamless_reload.txt
- fi
- if use vim-syntax ; then
- insinto /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax
- doins admin/syntax-highlight/haproxy.vim
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ! -f "${EROOT}/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg" ]] ; then
- ewarn "You need to create /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg before you start the haproxy service."
- ewarn "It's best practice to not run haproxy as root, user and group haproxy was therefore created."
- ewarn "Make use of them with the \"user\" and \"group\" directives."
- if [[ -d "${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" ]]; then
- einfo "Please consult the installed documentation for learning the configuration file's syntax."
- einfo "The documentation and sample configuration files are installed here:"
- einfo " ${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.2-r1.ebuild b/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.6.ebuild
index 6e17e38ddf96..6e17e38ddf96 100644
--- a/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.2-r1.ebuild
+++ b/net-proxy/haproxy/haproxy-2.6.6.ebuild