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+14:00 <@ mattst88> | meeting time!
+14:00 <@ mattst88> | !proj council
+14:01 < willikins> | ( ajak, dilfridge, mattst88, mgorny, sam, soap, ulm
+14:01 * | dilfridge here
+14:01 <@ sam_> | \o
+14:01 <@ mattst88> | Roll call!
+14:01 * | ulm here
+14:01 * | mattst88 here
+14:01 * | ajak here
+14:01 * | sam_ here
+14:01 * | dilfridge here
+14:02 <@ mattst88> | soap, mgorny: ping. we'll wait a few minutes
+14:05 <@ mattst88> | alright, let's get started
+14:05 <@ mattst88> | 2. Foundation dissolution status update
+14:05 <@ mattst88> | ulm, dilfridge: want to comment?
+14:05 <@ dilfridge> | not much new from me
+14:05 <@ mattst88> | okay
+14:05 <@ ulm> | no news from our side
+14:06 <@ dilfridge> | I talked to tomaw a bit but spi doesnt handle much for oftc
+14:06 <@ sam_> | I think mattst88 pinged X11 again, and dilfridge spo-
+14:06 <@ ulm> | has anyone talked to other distros?
+14:06 <@ mattst88> | I pinged the X.Org board by email and on #xf-bod on OFTC and never heard anything back :(
+14:06 <@ dilfridge> | also, I wanted to read the logs of the spi board meeting but didnt get to it
+14:06 <@ dilfridge> | => holidays
+14:07 <@ mattst88> | okay, thanks
+14:07 <@ ulm> | we'll go ahead with SPI only if we get the council's mandate for it
+14:07 <@ mattst88> | okay, next topic
+14:07 <@ ajak> | i think i'd want some kind of "yeah they're fine" from a third party before fully committing
+14:07 <@ mattst88> | from ulm:
+14:08 <@ dilfridge> | ajak++
+14:08 <@ ulm> | wfm
+14:08 <@ mattst88> | I'd like the council to clarify the allarches stabilisation policy.
+14:08 <@ mattst88> | In particular, can we allow self-stabilisation by maintainers for
+14:08 <@ mattst88> | allarches packages, if the requirements for testing the package are
+14:08 <@ mattst88> | fulfilled on at least one arch (e.g. stable system or stable chroot).
+14:08 <@ mattst88> | ---
+14:08 <@ mattst88> | this seems fine to me, IMO
+14:08 <@ dilfridge> | works for me
+14:08 <@ sam_> | sure
+14:08 <@ ulm> | just asking for a nod from the council if it's ok like this
+14:09 <@ sam_> | no reason not to and I think it's been applied like this at least by some in the past too
+14:09 <@ ajak> | yes, allarches shouldn't change the calculus of maintainer-stabilization
+14:09 <@ mattst88> | yep, any need for a vote?
+14:09 <@ soap> | sorry, was in the train
+14:09 <+ arthurzam> | only keywording/rekeywording should go through the full arch testing
+14:09 <+ arthurzam> | no issue with stabling
+14:09 <@ ulm> | I don't need one unless someone would disagree
+14:09 * | soap here now
+14:09 <@ mattst88> | hello soap :)
+14:09 <@ dilfridge> | seems like we're all on the same pahe
+14:09 <@ mattst88> | ulm: okay, thank you
+14:09 <@ dilfridge> | page
+14:10 <@ mattst88> | next topic
+14:10 <@ mattst88> | arthurzam requests Council approval of a few changes to GLEP 84
+14:10 <+ arthurzam> | (this is a new GLEP)
+14:10 <@ mattst88> | the link in the email seems to not work (
+14:10 <@ dilfridge> | that's the package.mask format?
+14:11 <@ ulm> | it's acceptance of the GLEP, right?
+14:11 <+ arthurzam> |
+14:11 <+ arthurzam> | Yes
+14:11 <@ mattst88> | I'm fine with this. does anyone have any concerns?
+14:12 <@ sam_> | no, very happy indeed, thank you for doing it
+14:12 <@ soap> | thanks arthurzam!
+14:13 <@ mattst88> | awesome, time for a vote I think?
+14:13 <@ mattst88> | Motion: Accept GLEP 84 (
+14:13 * | ajak yes
+14:13 * | mattst88 yes
+14:13 * | sam_ yes
+14:13 * | ulm yes
+14:14 * | soap yes
+14:14 * | dilfridge yes
+14:14 <@ mattst88> | yay, 6-0
+14:14 <@ mattst88> | thanks arthurzam!
+14:14 <+ arthurzam> | Thank you
+14:14 <+ arthurzam> | > a small editor request, of not needed council approval just for inserting links implementation commits of the tools.
+14:14 <+ arthurzam> | This is fine, right?
+14:14 <@ ulm> | obviously :)
+14:14 <@ dilfridge> | of course, yes
+14:14 <@ soap> | I would hope so
+14:15 <+ arthurzam> | ok, just making sure
+14:15 <@ mattst88> | next topic
+14:15 <@ mattst88> | Open bugs with council participation
+14:15 <@ mattst88> | I don't see any. anything I'm unaware of?
+14:15 <+ arthurzam> | You forgot
+14:15 <@ mattst88> | oh, I'm sorry
+14:15 <@ mattst88> | thanks for bringing that up
+14:16 <@ mattst88> | I think we're generally fine?
+14:16 <+ arthurzam> | I think ia64 is coming to a sad story end
+14:16 <@ dilfridge> |
+14:16 <+ arthurzam> | Alpha is advancing to become exp -> dev
+14:16 <@ mattst88> | arthurzam has added some recent output to soko for finding and dekeywording leaf packages
+14:17 <@ sam_> | yeah, I think we'll need to talk about how to wind ia64 down sooner or later
+14:17 <@ dilfridge> | the graphs look ok, only x86 slightly worrying
+14:17 <@ sam_> | from my perspective, the only real issue is better figuring out how to explain what to keyword/not, but arthur is handling that well with the leaf packages strategy
+14:17 <+ arthurzam> | Just for paper trail for mattst88:
+14:17 <@ dilfridge> | I think dropping ia64 from glibc was postponed
+14:18 <+ arthurzam> | I've also started to dekeyword clearly mistaken packages on small arches (like www-apps/moodle on alpha & ia64)
+14:18 <@ dilfridge> | so we can still go on there for a while... whether putting much effort in makes sense is another question
+14:19 <@ dilfridge> | also if ever guppy dies we're dead in the water anyway
+14:19 <@ sam_> | heh
+14:19 <+ arthurzam> | It already sometimes dies, until sam kicks it remotly
+14:19 <@ sam_> | but i think we're okay overall, no real need for council intervention at this point, other than maybe shepherding ia64 death when we get a little bit closer to that...
+14:19 <@ mattst88> | okay, sounds like things are in good shape and/or we have a handle on things
+14:19 <@ mattst88> | yep
+14:19 <@ mattst88> | next topic
+14:19 <@ mattst88> | Open Floor
+14:19 <@ dilfridge> | I tried and failed bootstrapping riscv32 once more
+14:20 <@ dilfridge> | ok
+14:20 <@ dilfridge> | so about FOSDEM
+14:20 <@ dilfridge> | we requested a stand again same as in previous years (and in time for all deadlines)
+14:21 <@ dilfridge> | unfortunately we're not on the in-the-meantime published list
+14:21 <@ dilfridge> | when we noticed, we sent a (friendly and polite :) mail to the organizers
+14:21 <@ ulm> | did you get any reply?
+14:22 <@ dilfridge> | (content roughly, we've had a stand many times, it's a centerpoint of our dev community, etc etc)
+14:22 <@ dilfridge> | no response so far
+14:22 <@ dilfridge> | the mail was on 5/Dec
+14:22 <@ ajak> | can you give a rough timeline? when the application was sent, the deadline, when the question about it was asked
+14:24 <@ dilfridge> | * The confirmation of the stand application is from 22 October
+14:24 <@ dilfridge> | * The initial Call for Proposals says "Deadline closes the 8th of December; accepted stands will be announced the 20th of December."
+14:25 <@ dilfridge> | * That was amended on 1 November as follows: "Submission deadline 10th November instead of 20th of November. Publication date on 20th November instead of 4th December."
+14:26 <@ dilfridge> | (on a separate post)
+14:26 <@ ulm> | the old dates there aren't consistent with the first announcement
+14:26 <@ dilfridge> | * The list of accepted stands was posted on 20 November
+14:26 <@ dilfridge> | * Our query was sent on 5 December
+14:27 <@ dilfridge> | ulm: yes I know
+14:27 <@ dilfridge> | but that's not my pile of ...
+14:27 <@ mattst88> | I guess let's ping them after a week without a reply?
+14:27 <@ dilfridge> | yes, sounds good
+14:28 <@ ulm> | on the bright side, we'll have a stand at 37C3 in Hamburg:
+14:28 <@ ajak> | does anyone perhaps know any of the organizers?
+14:28 <@ sam_> | oh nice
+14:28 <@ dilfridge> | nice
+14:28 <@ dilfridge> | not me, unfortunately
+14:28 <@ mattst88> | any other topics for open floor?
+14:28 < arthurzam> | mattst88: friendly reminder missing summary
+14:28 <@ mattst88> | arthurzam: yep, ack
+14:29 <@ dilfridge> | two related things,
+14:29 <@ dilfridge> | next systemd release (upstream already released) is 255, which drops support for split-usr
+14:29 <@ dilfridge> | the masks are already in place, so split-usr installs just won't update for the moment
+14:30 <@ dilfridge> | doesnt change that they should better migrate to merged-usr soon
+14:30 <@ dilfridge> | and
+14:30 <@ dilfridge> | firing up stages builds for 23.0 profiles (which default to merged-usr) is ongoing
+14:30 <@ soap> | can’t wait for the bikeshed
+14:31 <@ mgorny> | ah, sorry
+14:31 <@ dilfridge> | if anyone wants to follow it,
+14:31 <@ ulm> | will it be ready this year still?
+14:31 <@ mgorny> | got so deep into ebuilding that i've lost track of everything
+14:31 <@ ajak> | well, fortunately a news was posted a year ago, so i'm not sure there's much discussion to be had around split-usr
+14:31 <@ dilfridge> | ulm: not sure, depends on my time and on everything working
+14:31 <@ sam_> | i don't expect us to finish it this year, there's some other stuff taking priority atm
+14:31 <@ dilfridge> | yes
+14:31 <@ dilfridge> | indeed
+14:32 <@ ulm> | renamimg to 24.0 is trivial I guess :)
+14:32 <@ dilfridge> | no
+14:32 <@ ulm> | no?
+14:32 <+ floppym> | Thanks for all the hard work this year.
+14:32 <@ sam_> | gosh, it's time to start thinking about the year in gentoo already as well..
+14:32 <@ sam_> | you too :)
+14:32 <@ dilfridge> | if you mean me, others did much more
+14:32 <+ floppym> | Just making a general statement.
+14:33 <@ mattst88> | alright, if there's nothing else for open floor
+14:33 <@ dilfridge> | sam_: indeed, I'll start collecting stuff soon
+14:33 * | mattst88 bangs the gavel